The Ultimate Guide to Python Programming With Python 3.10

Rahul Mula

Last Updated on June 20, 2022 by GeeksGod

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What you will learn :

1. Define Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Generic Programming Concepts
2. Use Terminal to Navigate and Perform Basic File Operations
3. Fundamental Programming and Implement Basic Data Structures With Python
4. Use Structural Pattern Matching With match-case Statements in Python 3.10
5. Create Different Array Data Structures like Lists, Tuples, Sets, Typed Arrays, Stacks, Queues and Priority Queues
6. Use Python REPL to Write Python Code From the Terminal and Test Ideas Easily.
7. Define Functions, Generator Functions and Decorator Functions.
8. Use Third-Party Packages and Create Virtual Environments for Projects.
9. Object-Oriented Programming With Python Classes and Objects
10. Reading and Writing Files And JSON Data With Python
11. Debug and Write Consistent and Efficient Python Programs

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