Learn Bash Shell Scripting with 10 Project-Based Exercises

Learn Bash Shell Scripting with 10 Project-Based Exercises

Vivek Pandit

Last Updated on September 15, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Bash Shell Scripting Bootcamp: 10 Project-Based Learnings

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Welcome to the Bash Shell Scripting Bootcamp: 10 Project-Based Learning! This comprehensive course covers the following topics through a 10 hands-on projects based approach:

Basics of the shell

Learn about the shell environment, its importance, and how to navigate and interact with it effectively.


Understand how to declare and use variables in bash scripting to store and manipulate data.


Explore string manipulation techniques, including concatenation, substitution, and extraction.

Command-line arguments

Discover how to handle command-line arguments passed to a script and incorporate them into your scripts.


Learn how to work with arrays in bash scripting, including declaring, accessing, and manipulating array elements.

Colors in bash

Enhance your scripts with colorful output by incorporating ANSI color codes into your bash scripts.


Dive into functions and learn how to define and use them to modularize your scripts and improve code reusability.

Conditional statements

Master the use of conditional statements like if-else and case to make your scripts more dynamic and responsive.


Explore loop constructs such as for, while, and until to iterate over data and automate repetitive tasks.

File handling

Learn how to read from and write to files, manipulate file permissions, and perform other file-related operations in bash scripting and etc.

Course Curriculum :


Introduction Video

Basics Of Shell

Shebang theory

Shebang practical

Variables In Bash

Variables theory

Variables practical

Strings In Bash

Strings theory

Strings practical

Arrays In Bash

Arrays theory

Arrays practical

Arithmetic Calculations

Arithmetic Calculations theory

Arithmetic Calculations practical

I/O Redirection And Piping In Bash

I/O Redirection theory

I/O Redirection practical

Piping in bash

Arguments In Bash

Arguments theory

Arguments practical

Exit Status

Exit status theory

Exit status practical

If-else Conditions in bash

f-else conditions theory

if-else mathematical comparisons

if-else string comparisons

File condition

File condition theory

File condition practical

While Loops

While loop theory

While loop practical

For Loops

For loop theory

For loop practical

Case Statements

Case statements theory

Case statements practical

Functions In Bash

Functions theory

Functions practical

Colors In Bash

Colors in bash

Simple Projects

Project #1

Project #2

Project #3

Project #4

Project #5

Project #6

Advanced Projects

Project #7

Project #8

Project #9

Project #10

Bonus Lecture


Throughout the bootcamp, you’ll explore the power of Linux and learn how to harness the full potential of bash scripting. You’ll gain a solid foundation in Linux systems and understand how to navigate and manage them effectively. With this knowledge, you’ll embark on a journey into the world of shell scripting, discovering its capabilities and unlocking new levels of productivity.

Each project in this bootcamp has been thoughtfully designed to provide you with real-world scenarios where you can apply your newly acquired skills. From automating routine tasks to managing complex system configurations, you’ll tackle a variety of challenges that will enhance your problem-solving abilities and boost your confidence as a shell scripter.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong command over Linux, bash scripting, and shell scripting, enabling you to create efficient and robust scripts. Whether you’re a system administrator, developer, or aspiring DevOps engineer, this bootcamp will equip you with the tools and expertise needed to excel in your role.

Join us on this exciting journey of Bash Shell Scripting Bootcamp and unlock your potential as a Linux shell scripting expert. Get ready to take your skills to the next level and achieve new heights of automation and productivity. Enroll now and start your project-based learning adventure today!

Thank you 🙂

Vivek Pandit

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What you will learn :

1. Scripting Knowledge: Learners will acquire a solid understanding of shell scripting concepts, including variables, loops, conditionals, and functions.
2. Efficient Task Automation: Learners will be able to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows using shell scripts, saving time and effort.
3. File and Directory Manipulation: Learners will gain expertise in manipulating files and directories through shell scripting, including tasks like creating, copy
4. Data Processing and Manipulation: Learners will learn techniques to process and manipulate data using powerful command-line tools like grep, sed, and awk.
5. Error Handling and Debugging: Learners will develop skills in error handling and debugging techniques to troubleshoot and resolve issues in their shell scripts.
6. System Administration: Learners will acquire knowledge of system administration tasks through shell scripting, such as managing users.
7. Shell Script Optimization: Learners will understand techniques for optimizing shell scripts to improve efficiency, reduce resource consumption.
8. Script Portability: Learners will learn to write portable shell scripts that can run on different operating systems and shell environments.

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