Mastering Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting

Mastering Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting

Arshad Syed

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Masterclass

This course covers the following topics:

Installing VirtualBox and Linux Mint – Covers the basic installation to get you up and running for this course.

Editors – Vi and Notepad++

Discussion of the command based Vi Editor and some regular editor options.

Account Management

Root, Sudo, Admin and Regular users.

File and Directory Permissions

Permissions on Files and Folders. User, Group and Others.

Linux Commands

File and Directory Commands, User Info Commands, Networking Commands, SSH and File Transfer Commands, Disk Commands, Security Commands, Archiving Commands, Search Commands, Installation Commands.

Vi Editor

Commands frequently used in the Vi Editor.

Shell Expansion

Brace expansion, Tilde expansion, Parameter expansion, Command substitution, Arithmetic expansion, Process substitution, Word splitting, Filename expansion, Quotes.

Basic Shell Scripting

Fundamentals of Shell Scripting.

Braces, Brackets & Parentheses

Evaluation of Expressions.

File Descriptors

Std Input, Std Output & Std Error.


While loops, For loops, Until loops.


Case Statements, IF Statements.

Regular Expressions

Use of Regular Expressions in Pattern Matching.


AWK – Use of AWK to extract and format data.


Use of SED to perform search and replace functions.


Use of Grep to search for patterns of data.


Cut, Sort and Uniq.

Cron Scheduling

Perform automated batch processing.

Processing Input and Output

Master Script

5hrs of content covering different areas of Corporate Shell scripting.

This course is an extensive guide to learning the Linux Command Line. It is designed for beginners and covers all the essential aspects of using the command line in a Linux operating system.

One of the main advantages of learning the Linux Command Line is the ability to navigate and control your system directly through text commands. This allows for greater flexibility and efficiency in managing your operating system.

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If you are looking to learn the Linux Command Line, you can take advantage of a free Udemy coupon for this course. This coupon will allow you to access the course at no cost and learn at your own pace.

The Linux Command Line course starts with the basics, including how to install VirtualBox and Linux Mint. This ensures that you have the necessary tools to follow along with the course and practice the commands taught.

Editors – Vi and Notepad++

The course includes a discussion on different editors, with a focus on the command-based Vi Editor and Notepad++. These editors provide essential functionality for editing and manipulating files and text.

Account Management

Managing user accounts is an important aspect of the Linux Command Line. This course covers topics such as root, sudo, admin, and regular users, providing a comprehensive understanding of user management.

File and Directory Permissions

Understanding how file and directory permissions work is crucial for maintaining security and organizing your files. This course explains the different permission levels and how to set them for users, groups, and others.

Linux Commands

The course covers a wide range of Linux commands, including file and directory commands, user info commands, networking commands, SSH and file transfer commands, disk commands, security commands, archiving commands, search commands, and installation commands. These commands are essential for performing various tasks on a Linux system.

Free Udemy Coupon for Linux Command Line

For those eager to learn the Linux Command Line, there is a free Udemy coupon available for this course. By using the coupon, you can access the course content for free and develop your skills.

Vi Editor

The Vi Editor is a command-based editor widely used in Linux systems. This course covers the most frequently used Vi commands, allowing you to efficiently edit and manipulate text and files.

Shell Expansion

Shell expansion is a powerful feature of the Linux Command Line that allows for the expansion of parameters, commands, and expressions. This course covers different types of shell expansion, such as brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, process substitution, word splitting, filename expansion, and quotes.

Basic Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a valuable skill for automating tasks and creating customized scripts. This course introduces the fundamentals of shell scripting, providing you with the knowledge to write basic scripts to streamline your workflow.

Braces, Brackets & Parentheses

Evaluating expressions is an essential aspect of shell scripting. This section of the course covers the usage of braces, brackets, and parentheses for efficient evaluation of expressions.

File Descriptors

Understanding file descriptors is crucial for managing input and output in shell scripts. This course explains standard input, standard output, and standard error, allowing you to process and manipulate data effectively.


Iterations, such as while loops, for loops, and until loops, are essential for repeating commands and performing actions on multiple items. This course provides comprehensive coverage of iteration commands, enabling you to write efficient and scalable scripts.


Conditionals are used for making decisions and controlling the flow of a shell script. This course covers case statements and if statements, ensuring that you have a strong understanding of using conditionals in your scripts.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are powerful tools for pattern matching and searching for specific data. This course covers the use of regular expressions in the Linux Command Line, allowing you to perform complex searches and manipulations.


Arrays are useful for storing and manipulating collections of data in shell scripts. This course introduces the usage of arrays and provides practical examples of working with arrays in the Linux Command Line.


AWK is a versatile text processing tool that allows you to extract and format data efficiently. This course covers the use of AWK for data extraction and formatting, enhancing your data manipulation capabilities.


SED is another powerful tool for manipulating and editing text files. This course explores the functionality of SED and teaches you how to perform search and replace functions effectively.


Grep is an essential tool for searching for specific patterns of data within files. This course covers the usage of grep, enabling you to find and extract relevant information quickly.


In addition to the essential commands, this course covers the usage of utility commands such as cut, sort, and uniq. These commands provide additional functionality for processing and manipulating data.

Cron Scheduling

Automating tasks is a crucial aspect of managing a Linux system. This course covers cron scheduling and batch processing, allowing you to schedule tasks and execute them automatically.

Processing Input and Output

Efficiently processing input and output in shell scripts is essential for handling data effectively. This section of the course provides practical examples of processing input and output, ensuring that you can manipulate data efficiently.

Master Script

The course concludes with a master script, which combines the knowledge and skills learned throughout the course. This extensive script covers different areas of corporate shell scripting and allows you to practice and reinforce your skills.

By taking advantage of the free Udemy coupon for the Linux Command Line course, you can develop your skills in using the command line, navigate the Linux system, and automate tasks effectively.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn the Linux Command Line for free. Take advantage of the Udemy coupon and start your journey towards becoming a proficient Linux user.

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What you will learn :

1. Master Linux Basics starting with a Linux Mint installation and setting up accounts and permissions
2. Achieve mastery of the Linux Command Line
3. Learn Enterprise-level Shell Scripting
4. Learn about various utilities such as Awk, Grep and Sed
5. Learn to schedule and automate tasks using Cron
6. Gain mastery over Shell Scripting by working on real-world scenarios
7. Completing a real-world Enterprise level project with professional coding standards

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