Build Stream Service: PHP & MySQL 2023

Build Stream Service: PHP & MySQL 2023

Web Coding

Last Updated on November 7, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : PHP with MySQL 2023: Build Amazing Streaming Service

Are you as fired up as I am? Do you want to build something awesome? Something amazing? Are you a web developer who wants a cool job? If so, then this course is for you. In this course, you will learn how to build a complete Streaming Service from the ground up in a few hours. I already made sure that every part of this course is concise, elegant, and informative, so don’t miss out on this cool opportunity. I also included the files needed in different parts of the course for you to follow along with me step by step.

Introduction to Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service

Here is what you are going to learn, first of all, I am going to introduce you to the tools that we are going to be using in this course. And then we are going to build a full authentication system from scratch. While building this system I am going to introduce you to hashing and dehashing passwords. And then, we are going to build general and cool features inside our own app. It’s going to be mainly on selecting and placing data. Right after this, we are going to work with genres and shows and we will build our following system to allow users to follow their new shows’ updates. And then, we are going to let users comment and view episodes of the show and we are going to build our own views counter. We are going to finish the users’ end by allowing users to view their followed shows and we are going to work with the search box. And now to the admins panel where we are going to let admins manage the web app by working with admins, episodes, shows, genres and more. Of course, there are a lot of things and functionalities to talk about in this course but I don’t want to waste any more of your time. So if that sounds like something you are interested in, consider getting the course now. See you inside

Why Choose Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service?

Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service provides a unique opportunity for web developers to learn how to build a complete streaming service from scratch. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this course is designed to help you enhance your skills and broaden your knowledge in web development. By following along with the step-by-step instructions and utilizing the provided files, you can easily grasp the concepts and techniques utilized in building a streaming service.

Benefits of Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service

By enrolling in the Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service course, you can enjoy numerous benefits, including:

  • Concise and informative lessons
  • Elegant and efficient coding practices
  • Hands-on experience in building a real-world application
  • Introduction to important web development tools
  • Understanding of authentication system and password hashing
  • Ability to implement features such as selecting and placing data
  • Building a following system for users to stay updated
  • Adding comments and episode viewing functionality
  • Creating a views counter for episodes
  • Enabling users to view their followed shows
  • Implementing search functionality
  • Admins can manage the web app efficiently
  • Working with various aspects of the app, including admins, episodes, shows, and genres
Why SEO is Important for Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial in improving the search engine ranking of the Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service course. Implementing SEO techniques and optimizing the content ensures that the course is more visible and accessible to potential learners. By optimizing the content and using relevant keywords, such as “Free Udemy Coupon” and “stream service,” the course can attract a larger audience and increase its reach.


Learning how to build a complete streaming service is an excellent opportunity for web developers to enhance their skills and broaden their knowledge. The Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service course offers concise and informative lessons, allowing you to follow along step by step. By enrolling in this course, you can gain hands-on experience and apply the concepts and techniques acquired to real-world projects. Don’t miss out on this opportunity and elevate your web development skills with the Free Udemy Coupon Stream Service course.

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What you will learn :

1. Learn to setup the necessary tools for building modern web apps
2. Build a full authentication system
3. Learn to use advanced PDO queries
4. Learn to hash and dehash passwords with PHP
5. Handle validation like a pro and prevent user to sensitive date
6. Write professional maintainable code
7. Work with some SQL complex queries
8. Learn file uploading and how to fully update and delete it
9. Learn how to integrate different parts of code together so they can work in the same system
10. Learn to fix bugs along the way of developing this web app
11. Create an amazing admin panel
12. Create views counter system
13. Create following system

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