Beginner’s HTML & CSS Course: Unlocking Web Development Magic

Beginner's HTML & CSS Course: Unlocking Web Development Magic image

Zaid Smadi

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Web Development Wizardry: HTML & CSS Course for Beginners.



No need for any programming expertise. This course is from scratch.

This course will start from the most basic things like setting up the code editor and important shortcuts.

The course will be regularly updated.

This course is all about HTML and CSS.

What You Will Learn in This Course:

  • How to set up your code editor
  • Important shortcuts
  • HTML tags and higher-level concepts
  • The main HTML structure
  • Head, meta, and title
  • Text formatting
  • Inserting videos
  • Inserting audio
  • Inserting images by link or from your device
  • Creating links
  • Underlined and quoted text
  • Lists
  • Comments
  • HTML layout
  • Form elements
  • iFrame
  • Abbr and dfn tags
  • Input types (text, email, password, button, etc.)
  • Table attributes
  • Favicon
  • Emojis
  • Headings
  • Span tag
  • Div tag
  • Break tag
  • Radio input
  • Fieldset and details
  • Margin, padding, border
  • Datalist and option
  • Block and inline elements
  • Responsive design
  • Other HTML tags
  • CSS syntax
  • Selectors
  • Priorities
  • Units
  • CSS comments
  • List properties
  • Box model properties
  • Grouping and nesting
  • Overflow
  • Z-index
  • Outline
  • Cursor
  • Pseudo-classes
  • Colors on CSS
  • Media attributes
  • Background
  • Font properties
  • Text styling
  • Padding, border, margin
  • Width and height
  • Position
  • Display
  • Float
  • Hover and active states
  • Log in page
  • You will be able to create your own website by the end of the course.

Free Udemy Coupon for Web Development Course

Looking to learn web development? Look no further! With our comprehensive free Udemy coupon for web development course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to start your journey in the web development field. This course is perfect for beginners and does not require any programming expertise. We will guide you from scratch, starting with setting up your code editor and essential shortcuts.

Our course is regularly updated to ensure you are up-to-date with the latest web development practices. Whether you want to create your own website or start a career in web development, our course will provide you with the necessary foundation.

Why Choose Our Free Udemy Coupon for Web Development Course?

1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything you need to know about HTML and CSS. From basic tags to advanced concepts like responsive design and CSS styling, we’ve got you covered.

2. Hands-on Learning: We believe in learning by doing. Throughout the course, you will work on practical exercises and projects to reinforce your understanding of web development.

3. Expert Guidance: Our instructors have years of experience in the web development industry. They will provide clear explanations, real-world examples, and valuable insights to help you master the concepts.

4. Interactive Community: Join our online community of web development enthusiasts where you can ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with other learners.

Course Outline

Section 1: Introduction to Web Development

  • Module 1: Setting Up Your Code Editor
  • Module 2: Important Shortcuts

Section 2: HTML Basics

  • Module 3: HTML Tags and Structure
  • Module 4: Head, Meta, and Title
  • Module 5: Text Formatting
  • Module 6: Inserting Media (Videos, Audio, Images)
  • Module 7: Creating Links
  • Module 8: Lists and Comments
  • Module 9: HTML Layout
  • Module 10: Forms and Input Types
  • Module 11: Tables and Attributes
  • Module 12: Additional HTML Tags

Section 3: CSS Fundamentals

  • Module 13: CSS Syntax and Selectors
  • Module 14: Priorities and Units
  • Module 15: Comments and List Properties
  • Module 16: Box Model and Grouping
  • Module 17: Overflow and Z-index
  • Module 18: Outline and Cursor
  • Module 19: Pseudo-classes and Colors
  • Module 20: Media Attributes and Background
  • Module 21: Font Properties and Text Styling
  • Module 22: Padding, Border, and Margin
  • Module 23: Width, Height, and Position
  • Module 24: Display, Float, and Hover/Active States

Section 4: Building Your Website

  • Module 25: Applying Your Knowledge
  • Module 26: Creating a Login Page

By the end of our free Udemy coupon for web development course, you will have the skills and confidence to create your own website and explore further advanced topics in web development. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Enroll now to take advantage of our limited-time offer.

Udemy Coupon :


What you will learn :

1. You, Will Learn How To Install and setup Your web development complier or editor from Zero and add extensions.
2. You, Will Learn HTML and basics and higher things from zero if you don’t know anything about HTML.
3. You, Will Learn CSS and basics and higher things from zero if you don’t know anything about CSS.
4. You, Will Learn the requirement shortcuts in web development.
5. You, Will learn important vocabularies in web development.
6. at the End of the course, you can build your own website.

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