React: All You Need to Know with Practical Project

React: All You Need to Know with Practical Project

Jahid Hiron

Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : React: All You Need to Know with Practical Project

Do you want to build fast and powerful frontend applications with JavaScript? Would you like to become a more complete and in-demand developer?

Then Reactjs is the hottest technology for you to learn right now, and you came to the right place to do it!

This is a project based course where we build an extensive, in-depth frontend application. We will start from scratch and end up with a professional project. We will dive deep into React, React hooks, APIs integration. Here is some of what you will learn in this course and project:

Reactjs core functionalityHow React worksVirtual DOMRendering JSX element Component, State & PropsReact FormControlled form vs Uncontrolled form Rendering list & keyProps drillingContext APIRender PropsReact hooksCustom hooksHandling CSS with ReactReact routingAuthentication and Protected routeList searching and PaginationRecover password by emailVerify user emailHTTP EssentialsPostman ClientIntegrating RESTful APIs

Web development is evolving, in the past, server-side rendering handled all views and templates, but with the emergence of frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, projects are now divided into backend and frontend components. The backend manages database interactions and serves JSON, while the frontend fetches data and creates the user interface. This course focuses on the entire frontend aspect, enabling you to construct robust application and giving you the freedom to choose your backend technologies.

Our curriculum goes beyond typical React tutorials, as we cover advanced topics like authentication, roles, permissions, password reset mechanisms, verify user email, and many more. By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of what it takes to be a proficient frontend engineer.

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What you will learn :

1. Master the entire modern frontend stack: React, APIs integration, React hooks
2. Learn about the React core functionality
3. Learn React beautiful mechanism such as Context API, Props drilling, Render props
4. Realize the power of building reusable components
5. Create real life project
6. Becoming proficient in integrating RESTful APIs with React
7. Authentication including password reset and authorization by protected route
8. Avoid useless coding – Learn what’s important

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