Python Official Certification Exam – Chapter Wise (2023)

Faizan Sheikh

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by GeeksGod

Now is the time to get certified for Python!

This course is designed to help you prepare for the Python Professional Certification exam by providing you with a series of chapter-wise practice tests.

This Exams all over contains 20 Chapters to give you the best thrilling experience on the Complete Python Programming Exam Tests!

Every Question has complete explanation.

All Questions are carried from the best programming institutes and all the knowledgeable areas.

No matter you are a student or a professional programmer, this exam is well designed for everyone from the experts.

Exam Syllabus (Chapter Wise):

Chapter 1: Introduction to Python

What is Python?History of PythonFeatures of PythonAdvantages of using PythonSetting up the Python environmentRunning a Python program

Chapter 2: Variables, Data Types and Operators

Variables and Naming ConventionsData Types: Numbers, Strings, BooleansType Conversion and Type CheckingOperators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Bitwise

Chapter 3: Control Statements

Conditional Statements: if, else, elifLooping Statements: for loop, while loopLoop Control Statements: break, continue, passNested loops and conditional statements

Chapter 4: Functions and Modules

Defining and calling a functionFunction Arguments: Positional, Keyword, Default and Variable-length argumentsReturning values from a functionModules: Creating and importing modulesStandard Libraries

Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts

Classes and ObjectsData Hiding and EncapsulationInheritance and PolymorphismAbstract classes and Interfaces

Chapter 6: File Handling and Input/Output Operations

Opening and Closing FilesReading and Writing to FilesBinary Files and File ModesWorking with Directories

Chapter 7: Exception Handling

What are exceptions?Handling exceptions using try and except blocksMultiple except blocks and else clauseRaising exceptions

Chapter 8: Regular Expressions

What are regular expressions?Pattern matching and substitutionMeta-characters and Character ClassesRegular Expression functions in Python

Chapter 9: Working with Databases and SQL

Connecting to a databaseCreating tables and inserting dataRetrieving data from tablesUpdating and Deleting dataSQL Injection and Prevention

Chapter 10: Data Structures


Chapter 11: NumPy and SciPy Libraries

Introduction to NumPy and SciPyArrays in NumPyMathematical Operations on ArraysLinear Algebra using SciPy

Chapter 12: Pandas Library

Introduction to PandasData Structures in PandasData Manipulation using PandasData Analysis using Pandas

Chapter 13: Matplotlib Library

Introduction to MatplotlibTypes of Plots: Line, Bar, Scatter, Histogram, etc.Customizing PlotsSubplots and Figures

Chapter 14: Flask Web Framework

Introduction to FlaskCreating a Flask ApplicationRouting and RequestsTemplates and Forms

Chapter 15: Django Web Framework

Introduction to DjangoCreating a Django ApplicationModels, Views, and TemplatesAdmin Interface

Chapter 16: Machine Learning and Data Science with Python

Introduction to Machine LearningScikit-Learn LibraryLinear RegressionClassificationClustering

Chapter 17: Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python

Introduction to NLPText PreprocessingText Classification and Sentiment AnalysisNamed Entity Recognition

Chapter 18: GUI Programming with Tkinter Library

Introduction to TkinterCreating a GUI ApplicationWidgets and LayoutsEvent Handling

Chapter 19: Advanced Python Concepts

Multithreading and ConcurrencyNetworkingGUI Toolkits: PyQt, Kivy, etc.Debugging and Profiling

Chapter 20: Secret


Note: This exam Covers all the topics on Complete Python Programming from Scratch!

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