Python and Javascript LEETCODE with DSA Algorithm

Python and Javascript LEETCODE with DSA Algorithm

Jackson Kailath

Last Updated on October 31, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Data Structures Algorithm DSA | Python+Javascript LEETCODE

About the Course: Free Udemy Coupon, LEETCODE

Welcome to the Coding Interview Bootcamp with a focus on Python and JavaScript!

The primary goal of this course is to prepare you for coding interviews at top tech companies. By tackling one problem at a time and understanding its solution, you’ll accumulate a variety of tools and techniques for conquering any coding interview.

Daily Coding Challenges:

The course is structured around daily coding challenges. Consistent practice will equip you with the skills required for coding interviews and allow you to practice on Leetcode.

Topics Covered: Free Udemy Coupon, LEETCODE

We start from the basics with Big O analysis, cover common data structures, and discuss real-life problems asked in interviews at tech giants like Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and Microsoft.

For each question, we will:

Discuss the optimal approachExplain time and space complexityCode the solution in JavaScript (you can follow along in your preferred language)

Additional Resources: Free Udemy Coupon, LEETCODE

The course includes downloadable resources, motivational trackers, and cheat sheets.

Course Outline: Free Udemy Coupon, LEETCODE

Day 1: Arrays, Big O, Sorted Squared Array, Monotonic ArrayDay 2: Arrays, Rotate Array, Container with Most WaterDay 3: Hash Tables, Two Sum, Isomorphic StringsDay 4: Recursion, Fibonacci, Power SumDay 5: Recursion, Permutations, Power SetDay 6: Strings, Non-Repeating Character, PalindromeDay 7: Strings, Longest Unique Substring, Group AnagramsDay 8: Searching, Binary Search, Search in Rotated Sorted ArrayDay 9: Searching, Find First and Last Position, Search in 2D ArrayDay 10: Sorting, Bubble Sort, Insertion SortDay 11: Sorting, Selection Sort, Merge SortDay 12: Sorting, Quick Sort, Radix SortDay 13: Singly Linked Lists, Construct SLL, Delete DuplicatesDay 14: Singly Linked Lists, Reverse SLL, Cycle DetectionDay 15: Singly Linked Lists, Find Duplicate, Add 2 NumbersDay 16: Doubly Linked Lists, DLL Remove Insert, DLL Remove AllDay 17: Stacks, Construct Stack, Reverse Polish NotationDay 18: Queues, Construct Queue, Implement Queue with StackDay 19: Binary Trees, Construct BST, Traversal TechniquesDay 20: Binary Trees, Level Order Traversal, Left/Right ViewDay 21: Binary Trees, Invert Tree, Diameter of TreeDay 22: Binary Trees, Convert Sorted Array to BST, Validate BSTDay 23: Heaps, Max Heap, Min Priority QueueDay 24: Graphs, BFS, DFSDay 25: Graphs, Number of Connected Components, Topological Sort

We offer a full money-back guarantee for 30 days. Enroll today!

Student Testimonials: Free Udemy Coupon, LEETCODE

“The teacher excels in explaining complex concepts clearly.” – Liam Bailes

“The course is a rare find for in-depth knowledge.” – Mark Corrigan

“Well-structured and thorough preparation for DSA.” – Ankur Saxena

“Easy to grasp concepts in a single go.” – Shaik Asrar

“Effortless concept assimilation.” – Elisha Benjamin

“A great foundation in DSA.” – Prince Roy Sharma

“Simplifies understanding DSA.” – Rahul

“Clarifies program complexity.” – Amritesh Kumar Singh

“Clarified Big O notation for me.” – Aaron Engelmann

“Excellent for problem-solving and reasoning.” – Parth

“Comprehensive overview of Data Structures.” – Newton

“Highly recommended for Tier 1 company preparation.” – Dennis Paul


The Coding Interview Bootcamp with a focus on Python and JavaScript is a comprehensive course designed to prepare students for coding interviews at top tech companies. With a strong emphasis on Free Udemy Coupon and LEETCODE, this bootcamp covers a wide range of topics and provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in coding interviews.

The course structure revolves around daily coding challenges, allowing students to practice their skills consistently and gain confidence in tackling different types of problems. By practicing on LEETCODE, students can apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world coding environment.

The bootcamp covers a variety of topics, starting with the basics of Big O analysis. It then progresses to cover common data structures and discusses real-life problems that are commonly asked in interviews at tech giants such as Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and Microsoft. Each question is approached systematically, discussing the optimal approach, explaining time and space complexity, and providing a solution in JavaScript.

To supplement the course material, additional resources such as downloadable resources, motivational trackers, and cheat sheets are included. These resources provide students with extra support and reinforcement of the concepts covered in the course.

The course outline is structured over a period of 25 days, with each day focusing on a different topic or concept. Topics covered include arrays, hash tables, recursion, strings, searching, sorting, linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, heaps, graphs, and more. Each day’s topic is thoroughly explained and accompanied by coding challenges to reinforce the concepts covered.

Enrolling in this bootcamp comes with the assurance of a full money-back guarantee for 30 days. This guarantee reflects the instructor’s confidence in the course’s quality and its ability to prepare students for coding interviews effectively.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your coding skills, prepare for coding interviews, and improve your chances of securing a job at top tech companies. Enroll in the Coding Interview Bootcamp with a focus on Python and JavaScript today!

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What you will learn :

1. Common Data Structures such as Arrays, Hash Table,Linked List,Binary trees,Graphs etc.
2. Real Coding Interview Questions from Google, Meta,Amazon,Netflix ,Microsoft etc.
3. Time and Space Complexity of Algorithms, Detailed Discussion of Logic to solve questions
4. Code Implementation in Javascript

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