Python 3 | Ultimate Guide

Josh Werner, Learn Tecc

Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by GeeksGod

Do you want to Master Python?  Then this is the course for you where I will take you from complete beginner to Advanced Python Programmer.  Let me walk you through a detailed step by step process that will help you accomplish your goals and have fun learning on the way we will cover the following in detail:

IntroductionDocumentationWhat is PythonGetting Started with Python DocumentationCover Summary of Python Beginner’s DocumentationCover a Summary of Python Moderate GuideCover a Summary of Python Advanced GuideCover a Summary of General Python DocumentationTalk in Depth about Python 3.x ResourcesTalk about what is and How to Port from Python 2 to PythonSetupOverviewWhat is IDEIDEs for PythonWhat is a Text EditorText Editors for PythonDownload and Install Python 3 with IDLE IncludedBasic Commands with TerminalWrite and Run your First Python Script with Terminal and IDLEDownload & Install Visual Studio CodeDownload & Install Python Extension in Visual Studio CodeWrite & Run Python Script with Visual Studio Code and TerminalDownload & Install AnacondaWrite & Run Python Script with AnacondaPython BasicsSyntaxCommentsData TypesNumbersCastingBooleansOperatorsIf Else StatementsWhile LoopsFor LoopsFunctionsLambdaArraysClasses and ObjectsInheritanceIteratorsScopeModulesDatesMathJSONRegExPIPTry ExceptUser InputString FormattingVariablesOverviewVariablesVariable NamesAssign Multiple ValuesOutput VariablesGlobal VariablesStringsOverviewStringsSlicing StringsModify StringsConcatenate StringsFormat StringsEscape CharactersString MethodsListsOverviewListsAccess List ItemsChange List ItemsAdd List ItemsRemove List ItemsLoop ListsList ComprehensionSort ListsCopy ListsJoin ListsList MethodsTuplesOverviewTuplesAccess TuplesUpdate TuplesUnpack TuplesLoop TuplesJoin TuplesTuple MethodsSetsOverviewSetsAccess Set ItemsAdd Set ItemsRemove Set ItemsLoop Sets Join SetsSet MethodsDictionariesOverviewAccess ItemsChange ItemsAdd ItemsRemove ItemsLoop DictionariesCopy DictionariesNested DictionariesDictionary Methods

Thanks for checking out the course!

Best Regards,

Josh Werner

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What you will learn :

1. What is Python
2. Python Documentation Resources
3. Porting From Python 2 to Python 3
4. Python 3.x Resources
5. Download and Install Python 3
6. Write Your First Python Script
7. Run Your First Python Script
8. Python Basics
9. Syntax
11. Data Types
12. Numbers
13. Casting
14. Booleans
15. Operators
16. If Else Statements
17. While Loops
18. For Loops
19. Functions
20. Lambda
21. Arrays
22. Classes and Objects
23. Inheritance
24. Iterators
25. Scope
26. Modules
27. Dates
28. Math
29. JSON
30. RegEx
31. PIP
32. Try Except
33. User Input
34. String Formatting
35. Variables
36. Strings
37. Lists
38. Tuples
39. Sets
40. Dictionaries

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