Python 3 Ultimate Guide – Master Python Language

Python 3 Ultimate Guide - Master Python Language

Josh Werner, Learn Tecc

Last Updated on October 24, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Python 3 Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to become a master of Python? Look no further! In this comprehensive course, I will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced Python programmer. Get ready to embark on a step-by-step journey that will help you achieve your Python programming goals while having fun along the way.


The journey begins with an introduction to Python. We will explore the documentation and cover everything you need to know to get started with Python.

Getting Started

Before diving into the coding, let’s set up the necessary tools and environment. We will discuss different IDEs available for Python programming and learn how to install Python 3 with IDLE, a beginner-friendly integrated development environment.

Basic Commands

Once we have our environment set up, let’s learn some basic commands that will help us write and run our first Python script using the terminal and IDLE.

Visual Studio Code

For those who prefer a more sophisticated code editor, we will explore Visual Studio Code. Learn how to download, install, and set up the Python extension in Visual Studio Code. We will also write and run Python scripts using this popular code editor.


If you prefer a more comprehensive Python distribution, we will cover the installation and usage of Anaconda. Discover the benefits of using Anaconda and how to write and run Python scripts with it.

Python Basics

Now let’s dive into the Python basics. We will cover syntax, comments, data types, numbers, casting, booleans, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, lambda expressions, arrays, classes, objects, inheritance, iterators, scope, modules, dates, math operations, JSON, regular expressions, and pip package management.

User Input

Learn how to get user input in Python, which opens up opportunities for creating interactive programs and games.

String Formatting

Discover various ways to format strings in Python, allowing you to present data in a readable manner.


Let’s now shift our focus to variables in Python. We will cover variable overview, variable names, assigning multiple values to variables, and outputting variables.

Global Variables

Understand how global variables work in Python and how to use them effectively in your programs.


Strings play a vital role in programming. We will explore strings in Python, including slicing, modifying, concatenating, escaping characters, and using various string methods.


Lists are a versatile data structure in Python. Learn how to work with lists, including accessing items, changing, adding, and removing items, looping through lists, list comprehension, sorting, copying, joining, and using list methods.


Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable. We will learn how to work with tuples, access items, update tuples, unpack tuples, loop through tuples, and use tuple methods.


If you need to work with unique and unordered items, sets are the way to go. Explore the world of sets in Python, including accessing items, adding, removing, and looping through sets, joining sets, and using set methods.


Dictionaries allow us to store key-value pairs. Learn how to work with dictionaries, including accessing items, changing, adding, and removing items, looping through dictionaries, copying dictionaries, and using dictionary methods.


Thank you for exploring this Python 3 Ultimate Guide course with me! I hope you’ve gained valuable insights and knowledge that will propel you forward in your Python programming journey.

Best Regards,

Josh Werner

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What you will learn :

1. What is Python
2. Python Documentation Resources
3. Porting From Python 2 to Python 3
4. Python 3.x Resources
5. Download and Install Python 3
6. Write Your First Python Script
7. Run Your First Python Script
8. Python Basics
9. Syntax
11. Data Types
12. Numbers
13. Casting
14. Booleans
15. Operators
16. If Else Statements
17. While Loops
18. For Loops
19. Functions
20. Lambda
21. Arrays
22. Classes and Objects
23. Inheritance
24. Iterators
25. Scope
26. Modules
27. Dates
28. Math
29. JSON
30. RegEx
31. PIP
32. Try Except
33. User Input
34. String Formatting
35. Variables
36. Strings
37. Lists
38. Tuples
39. Sets
40. Dictionaries

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