Pentesting Tools for Ethical Hacking: Get Coupons

Pentesting Tools for Ethical Hacking with Coupons

Peter A

Last Updated on October 15, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Ethical Hacking: Pentesting Tools

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Hacking is an art, a science, and a passion for many people. Hacking, or as it is called in some circles, pentesting and white hat hacking, is simply the art of testing a system or product to find vulnerabilities.

This course is about penetration testing tools. A penetration tool is a program or script used to break into a computer system or network.A white hat hacker, also known as an ethical hacker, is a computer security expert who specializes in penetration testing and finding vulnerabilities in systems. A black hat hacker, on the other hand, is a person who breaks into computers with malicious intent. White hat hackers use their skills to improve security by finding and exposing vulnerabilities before black hat hackers can exploit them. One of the most important aspects of white hat hacking is penetration testing, which is used to find security weaknesses in systems.

Introduction to Penetration Testing Tools

Penetration testing tools are essential for any ethical hacker. These tools are designed to facilitate the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. They assist in assessing the security posture of an organization by emulating real-world attack scenarios. Penetration testing tools come with a range of functionalities that enable hackers to probe for weaknesses, identify loopholes, and execute successful attacks to determine the potential impact and severity of vulnerabilities.

1. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a popular and powerful web application security testing tool designed for security professionals and ethical hackers. It consists of several modules that work together to perform various testing tasks. The Intercept module allows hackers to manipulate and modify web traffic, while the Scanner module automatically identifies and exploits vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the Intruder module enables automated attacks on web applications by sending a large number of requests with different payloads to identify weak points in the system.

2. Hydra

Hydra is a brute force password cracking tool used by ethical hackers to test the strength of passwords in various online platforms. It supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. Hydra utilizes a dictionary-based attack, where it systematically tries a list of commonly used passwords or user-defined wordlists to gain unauthorized access. It can also perform brute force attacks by trying all possible password combinations within a specified character set.

3. Nmap

Nmap, short for “Network Mapper,” is a free and open-source network scanning tool used by ethical hackers to discover hosts and services on a computer network. Nmap utilizes raw IP packets to determine the availability of hosts, their operating systems, open ports, and services running on those ports. It is one of the most flexible and powerful port scanning utilities available and can be used for both network inventory and vulnerability scanning.

Using Penetration Testing Tools

When using penetration testing tools, it is essential to have permission from the owner of the system or network you are testing. Unauthorized access is illegal and can lead to serious consequences. Once you have obtained permission, here are some common steps to follow when using penetration testing tools:

1. Reconnaissance

Before launching an attack, it is crucial to gather as much information as possible about the target system or network. This includes identifying IP addresses, open ports, and any other publicly available information that can be useful during the testing process. Tools like Nmap are often used during this phase to enumerate hosts and services.

2. Vulnerability Assessment

After gathering information, the next step is to identify vulnerabilities in the target system or network. Penetration testing tools like Burp Suite can automatically scan for common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure configuration settings. This assessment helps identify potential entry points for attackers.

3. Exploitation

Once vulnerabilities have been identified, ethical hackers can proceed with exploiting those vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or perform other malicious activities. Tools like Hydra come in handy during this phase, as they can automatically attempt to crack passwords or gain access to restricted areas.

4. Post-Exploitation

After successfully exploiting vulnerabilities, it is crucial to maintain access and gather additional information about the system or network. This phase involves performing activities such as privilege escalation, lateral movement, and data exfiltration. It is important to limit the impact on the target system or network and avoid causing any damage.


Penetration testing tools play a vital role in the field of ethical hacking. These tools empower white hat hackers to identify weaknesses in systems and help organizations protect their networks and data. By utilizing popular tools such as Burp Suite, Hydra, and Nmap, ethical hackers can efficiently assess the security posture of an organization and recommend appropriate measures to mitigate vulnerabilities.

So, if you are interested in becoming a proficient ethical hacker, it is essential to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize these penetration testing tools. By enrolling in a comprehensive and hands-on Udemy course, you can learn about the latest tools, techniques, and methodologies used in the exciting world of ethical hacking. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your cybersecurity skills and contribute to the protection of digital assets.

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What you will learn :

1. How to See the Attack Space
2. How to Brute Force passwords
3. How to Crack Windows Password Hashes
4. How to Crack Linux Password Hashes
5. How to use common hacking tools

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