Pandas For Beginners

Bliva TangerynTech

Last Updated on March 25, 2023 by GeeksGod

Welcome to my course on Pandas for beginners. Pandas is a data analysis program built on Python.

Interestingly, Pandas has lots of functions to help you analyze, clean and manipulate data. it also comes with great documentation to help programmers and learners when stuck while performing analysis on their data.

This course is a very short course to get learners started with the basics in Pandas using or while exploring some of Pandas’ very simple data manipulation and analysis methods.

These are some simple exercises we would do in the lesson;

Creating data frames and working with Pandas series

Inserting and dropping columns

Pandas Profiling( This package is very useful since with just a few lines of codes, a generated summary report on your data is achieved).

Renaming and Indexing data

Finding unique values

Get excited about data manipulation, data preparation, sorting, blending, and data cleaning techniques with Pandas Data Frame to transform jumbled data into a final pre-analysis output. Pandas is the most widely used Python data science library for precisely this reason, and data scientists at Google, Facebook, JP Morgan, and virtually every other big company that analyzes data utilize Pandas.

At the time of creating this contents, Python 3 was the python version used in the course development.

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What you will learn :

1. Create a data frame
2. Understand the basics in Pandas Series
3. Index and Rename columns
4. Manipulate data

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