Online marketing for introverts

Kenz Soliman, Sarah Rees-Evans, Bevlyn Khoo, Stefanie Finkelstein

Last Updated on July 29, 2022 by GeeksGod

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What you will learn :

1. What to share on social media to connect with your audience as an introvert
2. Understand that Introverts can acquire skills to project their voice and express better
3. The right breathing technique to relieve anxiety and feel confident
4. Hold their body up correctly (for Vocal Projection)
5. Gain an in-depth understanding of how they can manipulate some muscles for better vocal projection
6. Get the right mindset about expressing their true selves
7. You’ll be able to recognise the 4 different kinds of introverts, know which ones are you and which ones are affecting you and your business.
8. You’ll be able to recognise at least 3 of your introvert limitations and have learned simple hacks to overcome them.
9. You’ll learn 5 ways how to use being an introvert to your advantage in online business.
10. You’ll know how to prepare and plan your business day well so you feel balanced mentally and energetically.
11. Understand your powers as an introvert and know how to utilize them in marketing your online business
12. How to be confident as an introvert in online business
13. How to have confidence in your voice as an introvert

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