Build NGINX Web Server from Scratch with Free Coupon

NGINX Web Server from Scratch - Free Coupon

Juravlea Nicolae

Last Updated on October 14, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : NGINX Web Server from Scratch

Free Udemy Coupon for Mastering NGINX Web Server

If you want to become an expert in NGINX web server and enhance your web hosting capabilities, this course is exactly what you need. In this comprehensive course, I will guide you through the process of mastering NGINX, covering everything from installation to advanced configurations. Plus, I have a special offer for you – a free Udemy coupon!

Why Choose NGINX Web Server

NGINX has emerged as the most powerful, efficient, and secure web server in the industry. It is trusted by over 40% of the world’s busiest websites to deliver content rapidly and reliably. With its rich feature set, high stability, easy configuration, low resource consumption, and top-notch performance, NGINX has become the go-to choice for web application hosting.

A Practical Approach to Learning NGINX

This course takes a very practical and easy approach to learning NGINX. We focus on hands-on exercises and real-world examples, ensuring you gain the skills you need to create secure and high-performance web servers. No time is wasted on unnecessary theory – we get straight to the point, saving you time and enabling you to master new skills quickly and efficiently.

Course Overview

During this course, you will cover a wide range of topics related to NGINX. Here’s an overview of what you will learn:

1. Installing NGINX on Ubuntu

Get started by installing NGINX on an Ubuntu server. Learn all the necessary steps to ensure a smooth installation process.

2. Setting Up a Basic Website with NGINX

Learn how to configure NGINX to host a basic website. Explore different configuration options and best practices.

3. Hosting Multiple Sites with NGINX

Discover how to configure NGINX to host multiple websites on a single server. Learn about server blocks and virtual hosts.

4. Load Balancing with NGINX

Learn how to configure NGINX as a load balancer to distribute traffic across multiple backend servers. Improve scalability and reliability.

5. Working with PHP and NGINX

Explore how to integrate PHP with NGINX. Learn how to configure and optimize NGINX for PHP applications.

6. Limiting HTTP Bandwidth with NGINX

Learn how to use NGINX to limit the bandwidth available to HTTP clients. Control access and ensure fair resource allocation.

7. Using MySQL with NGINX

Discover how to set up a MySQL database with NGINX. Learn how to configure NGINX to work seamlessly with MySQL.

8. WordPress Management with NGINX

Install and manage WordPress using the powerful WP-CLI tool. Learn how to optimize NGINX specifically for WordPress websites.

9. Configuring HTTPS with SSL Certificates

Secure your websites by configuring HTTPS with SSL certificates. Learn best practices for SSL certificate management with NGINX.

10. Protecting Directories with NGINX

Learn how to password protect directories with NGINX. Enhance security and control access to sensitive areas of your websites.

11. Exposing Local Web Servers to the Internet

Discover how to expose your local web server to the internet using the powerful Ngrok tool. Easily share your local websites with others.

12. Custom Error Pages and Log Formats

Learn how to set up custom error pages and log formats with NGINX. Customize error messages and log data to meet your specific needs.

13. Performance Testing with ApacheBench

Test the performance of your NGINX server using the ApacheBench tool. Identify bottlenecks and optimize your server for maximum performance.

14. Protecting Against Brute Force Logins with Fail2Ban

Enhance security by protecting against brute force login attempts using the Fail2Ban tool. Make your NGINX server more resilient to attacks.

15. Moving WordPress to a Live Server

Learn how to move a WordPress website from a local development environment to a live server. Ensure a smooth transition without downtime.

Become an NGINX Expert Today!

By the time you’ve completed this course, you’ll have a strong foundation in NGINX and be able to implement the most common use cases in a secure and scalable way. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become an NGINX expert. Enroll now using the free Udemy coupon code “FREENGINXCOURSE” and start your journey towards mastering the NGINX web server today!

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What you will learn :

1. How to Host Multiple Sites
2. Configure Nginx as a Load Balancer
3. Limit HTTP Bandwidth
4. Install and Manage WordPress Using WP-CLI
5. Configure HTTPS with a SSL Certificate
6. How to Password Protect a Directory
7. Expose Local Web Server to Internet using Ngrok
8. Set Up Custom Error Page & Log Formats
9. Protect Against Brute Force Logins with Fail2Ban
10. Moving a WordPress Localhost Site to a Live Server

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