Mastering WordPress: WordPress Development and Monetization

Mastering Wordpress: Wordpress Development and Monetization

Vivek Pandit

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Mastering WordPress: WordPress Development and Monetization

In this comprehensive course, you’ll learn how to build a stunning WordPress website from scratch, create engaging articles to attract traffic, and monetize your site using google adsense. Our expert instructors will guide you through the entire process, from setting up your website to using powerful plugins and tools to optimize your content for search engines.

Take your WordPress website development skills to the next level with our comprehensive course.Learn everything you need to know about building a successful website, creating engaging articles, and monetizing your content.Discover advanced earning methods revealed in the course to maximize your profits.Master the art of creating high-quality articles with Chat-GPT, a powerful language model.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced content creator, this course will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed in today’s competitive online landscape.Enroll in this course now.

Topics discussed in this course :-

Introduction to wordpress and answer for your questions ?How to buy domain and hosting ?Wordpress installation on local computerTheme installation on wordpressPlugin installation and important settingsMaking you comfortable with wordpressWordpress basic configurationsCreating important pagesHow to create menu in wordpress ?How to choose colors for your website ?How to design header and footer in wordpress ?How to design pages ?Configuring Global settingsHow to create articals with Chat-GPT ?Configuring mobile responsive menuCreating backup of your website on a daily basis automaticallyGoogle Site Kit InstallationWordpress security ConfigurationsEarning Methods reveledAll about Google AdsenseHow to drive traffic to your website ?How to check and increase website loading speed ?How to migrate our website to the server ?SMTP configurationsBonus lecture

Happy learning 🙂

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What you will learn :

1. How to build a WordPress website from scratch ?
2. Creating engaging and user-friendly website designs
3. Customizing themes and plugins to fit your website’s unique needs
4. How to increase website traffic ?
5. Writing high-quality content that resonates with your audience
6. Monetizing your website through various revenue streams
7. Integrating Chat-GPT to generate high-quality content
8. Wordpress website security

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