Learn Python for Beginners: Ultimate Programming Course!

Learn Python for Beginners: Ultimate Programming Course!

Tam Dev

Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Learn Python for Beginners: Ultimate Programming Course!

This class goes through everything you need to know about Python right from the beginning, It teaches, the fundamentals of Python and Creating your first cool Program!

By the end of the class each student should be able to confidently program with Python and understand the main cores of most programming languages. The student should also find it extremely easy to pick up any other modules in Python or other languages as this class will put you on that intermediate / confident level.

After some videos you will be asked to write a simple program on that videos topic, These programs will be very simple and is there to make sure your applying what you learnt.

However at the end of the class you will be asked to write a program which includes what youve learnt throughout the course.

A breif summary of the final Program:

Get a username and password from the userCheck it with the usernames and passwords in a txt file (like a Database)If username and password is correct then access is grantedHave the option to change password, username and delete accountHave the option to create multiple accountsStore data in each account and display it when access granted

Each episode is useful for understanding how to write this program. At the end the program will be developed and explained!.

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What you will learn :

1. Understand and Program with Data types
2. Understand and Program with Statements
3. Understand and Program with Loops
4. Understand and Program with Functions
5. Understand and Program with different Modules
6. Introduction to Python: Understand the fundamentals of Python programming language.
7. Setting up Python Environment: Learn how to install and set up Python on your computer.
8. Python Syntax: Grasp the basic syntax of writing Python code.
9. Variables and Data Types in Python: Explore the various data types and how to use variables in Python.
10. Python Control Structures: Master the use of if statements, loops, and other control structures in Python.
11. Functions in Python: Understand how to define and use functions in Python for code modularity.
12. Python Lists and Tuples: Explore the concepts of lists and tuples in Python for storing and manipulating data.
13. Working with Strings in Python: Learn about string manipulation and operations in Python.
14. Python Dictionaries: Understand the concept of dictionaries and how to use them for key-value pair storage.
15. File Handling in Python: Explore reading from and writing to files using Python.
16. Exception Handling in Python: Learn how to handle errors and exceptions in Python code.
17. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python: Understand the principles of OOP, including classes and objects.
18. Python Modules and Packages: Explore how to organize and structure code using modules and packages in Python.
19. Working with Libraries in Python: Learn how to use external libraries to enhance Python’s functionality.
20. Introduction to NumPy in Python: Understand the basics of numerical computing with the NumPy library.
21. Introduction to Pandas in Python: Learn how to manipulate and analyze data using the Pandas library.
22. Python for Web Scraping: Explore the basics of web scraping using Python.
23. Introduction to Flask Framework: Understand the basics of web development using the Flask framework in Python.
24. Introduction to Django Framework: Get an overview of building web applications with the Django framework in Python.
25. Working with APIs in Python: Learn how to interact with APIs using Python.
26. Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib: Visualize data using the Matplotlib library in Python.
27. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: Get an overview of machine learning concepts using Python.
28. Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python: Explore basic NLP concepts using Python.
29. Python Testing Techniques: Understand the basics of testing code in Python.
30. Version Control with Git and GitHub in Python: Learn how to use Git and GitHub for version control in Python projects.
31. Debugging in Python: Explore techniques for debugging Python code effectively.
32. Optimizing Python Code: Learn strategies for optimizing and improving the performance of Python code.
33. Introduction to Virtual Environments in Python: Understand the importance of virtual environments for managing Python dependencies.
34. Python Best Practices: Learn coding best practices and style conventions in Python.
35. Building a Python Project: Bring together all the skills learned to build a small Python project.

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