Master Github Actions for CI/CD DevOps Pipelines

Master Github Actions for CI/CD DevOps Pipelines

Houssem Dellai

Last Updated on December 24, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Learn Github Actions for CI/CD DevOps Pipelines

Introduction to DevOps and Github Actions

In today’s fast-paced technology-driven world, DevOps has become an integral part of organizations striving for automation and modernization of their workloads. With its exceptional capabilities, DevOps allows for the creation of pipelines that can handle all the necessary steps to build and deploy almost any type of application to any environment, all with just a simple click of a button.

Not only does DevOps simplify the development and deployment process, but it also offers enhanced security features, such as managing secrets and securely connecting to production environments. This combination of development, operations, and security practices is now known as DevSecOps, a crucial aspect of successful software delivery.

While there are various DevOps tools available in the market, including Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Azure DevOps Pipelines, and more, Github Actions has gained significant popularity since its launch in 2018. Leveraging the massive user base of over 50 million users, Github Actions seamlessly integrates with Github, making it a natural choice for building and deploying code.

In this comprehensive course, we will guide you through the process of setting up CI/CD DevOps pipelines using Github Actions. Whether you are looking to deploy your applications on-premise or in the cloud, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to automate your development workflow.

Throughout the course, we will demonstrate the powerful features of Github Actions through a series of hands-on examples and real-world scenarios, enabling you to leverage its full potential.

Why Choose Github Actions?

Github Actions stands out from other DevOps tools due to its unique set of features and integration with the Github platform. Here are some compelling reasons to consider using Github Actions for your CI/CD pipelines:

Seamless Integration

Github Actions seamlessly integrates with Github, the world’s largest code hosting platform. This integration allows developers and teams to leverage existing repositories, pull requests, and issue tracking systems to streamline their development workflow.

Community Support

With Github Actions, you gain access to a vast community of developers who actively contribute to the ecosystem. This means that you can benefit from pre-built actions and workflows shared by the community, saving you time and effort.

Flexibility and Customization

Github Actions offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options, allowing you to tailor your CI/CD pipelines to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need to run tests, build Docker images, deploy to various environments, or perform any other task, Github Actions provides the tools to get the job done.


Github Actions is designed to handle projects of any scale, from individual hobby projects to enterprise-level applications. With Github’s robust infrastructure, you can rest assured knowing that your CI/CD pipelines will be reliable, scalable, and efficient.


Security is a top priority for Github, and the same level of security is extended to Github Actions. Whether it’s managing secrets, securely connecting to production environments, or implementing security best practices, Github Actions provides the necessary features to protect your code and infrastructure.

Github Actions in Action

Now let’s dive into some practical examples of how Github Actions can revolutionize your development workflow.

Automated Build Process

With Github Actions, you can automate the entire build process of your codebase. By defining workflows, you can set up automated builds triggered by specific events, such as every commit to a specific branch. This ensures that your code is continuously built and tested, catching any issues early in the development cycle.

Code Scanning and Static Analysis

Github Actions allows you to incorporate code scanning and static analysis tools into your workflow. By automatically scanning your code for potential vulnerabilities, bugs, or code quality issues, you can ensure that your codebase adheres to industry best practices. This significantly reduces the chances of introducing security vulnerabilities or buggy code into your applications.

Automated Testing

Testing is a critical aspect of software development, and Github Actions makes it easy to incorporate automated testing into your CI/CD pipelines. Whether you need to run unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests, Github Actions provides a seamless mechanism for executing tests as part of your build process. This ensures that your code is thoroughly tested before being deployed.

Deployment to Multiple Environments

Github Actions enables you to deploy your applications to multiple environments, such as development, testing, and production. By defining different deployment workflows, you can ensure that your code is seamlessly deployed to the appropriate environment, with the necessary configurations and environment-specific settings. This eliminates manual and error-prone deployment processes, leading to faster and more reliable deployments.

Integration with External Services

Integrating external services with your CI/CD pipelines is effortless with Github Actions. Whether you need to deploy your code to cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP, or integrate with popular tools and services like Slack, Jira, or SonarCloud, Github Actions provides a wide range of integrations and actions to simplify the process.

Unlocking the Power of Github Actions

By now, you should have a good understanding of why Github Actions is a powerful tool for implementing CI/CD pipelines. To unlock its full potential, it’s essential to dive deeper into its core concepts and features.


At the heart of Github Actions are workflows. Workflows are a set of configurable steps and actions that define how your CI/CD pipeline runs. You can define multiple workflows to accommodate different branches, environments, or specific events.

Each workflow consists of one or more jobs, each running on a separate virtual machine or container. Jobs are executed sequentially or in parallel, depending on your requirements. Within each job, you define steps, which are individual tasks that contribute to the overall workflow.

Workflows can be triggered by various events, such as pushes to a branch, pull requests, or scheduled cron jobs. This flexibility allows you to configure workflows that align with your specific development processes and requirements.


Actions are the building blocks of Github Actions. An action is a standalone unit of work that performs a specific task, such as running a test suite, deploying an application, or sending notifications. Actions are reusable, lightweight, and can be shared across projects.

Actions can be written in various programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, Go, and more. Additionally, you can leverage existing actions from the Github Marketplace or create your own custom actions to meet your specific needs.

Environment and Secrets Management

Github Actions provides built-in support for managing environment variables and secrets. Environment variables are used to store configuration values, such as API keys, database credentials, or deployment settings. Secrets, on the other hand, are encrypted and specifically designed for sensitive information.

By centralizing your configuration and secrets management within Github Actions, you can securely store and access these values during your workflow execution. This eliminates the need to store secrets in plain text within your codebase or expose sensitive information in your CI/CD setups, greatly enhancing the security of your applications.


Github Actions is a game-changer in the world of DevOps and CI/CD pipelines. By seamlessly integrating with Github and offering an array of powerful features, it empowers developers to automate their workflows, improve code quality, and deploy applications with ease.

In this course, we have covered the fundamentals of Github Actions, explored its key features, and demonstrated how to leverage its capabilities to create robust CI/CD pipelines. With the knowledge gained from this course, you are well-equipped to unlock the full potential of Github Actions and take your DevOps practices to new heights.

Whether you are a beginner looking to get started with CI/CD pipelines or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your existing workflows, Github Actions is the ideal choice. Start implementing Github Actions in your projects today and experience the remarkable benefits it brings to your software development lifecycle.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your DevOps journey. Enroll now and gain access to the most comprehensive Github Actions course available.

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What you will learn :

1. The fundamentals for writing CI/CD pipelines with Github Actions
2. Best practices for editing Github workflows
3. Triggering a workflow on a Pul Request, Tag, Push or on a schedule
4. Creating DevOps pipelines for Web Apps, Container apps and Databases
5. Deploying apps and infra into Azure Cloud
6. Using Terraform and Bicep (Infra as Code) with Github Actions
7. Creating custom runner to run the pipelines
8. Implement DevSecOps principles

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