JavaScript – The complete guide for beginners 2023 (Hindi)

Prashant Mishra

Last Updated on April 4, 2023 by GeeksGod

Have you ever attempted to learn JavaScript?

Although JavaScript is the most widely used programming language, learning it is not simple. Spending time on outdated courses and incomplete YouTube tutorials that discuss JavaScript features without demonstrating how to use them when creating practical applications is a waste of time.

Sounds recognisable?

This course is for whom?

1. People who have never used JavaScript before. You want to learn JavaScript and delve into the world of programming. You may be taking your first programming course or you may have used other languages in the past. You are prepared for this Bootcamp in either case.

2. Users of JavaScript who desire a stronger sense of command over the language. You learned tidbits of wisdom and bits of code because you had an issue to address. You are now prepared to learn JavaScript and the newest ES6 and ES7 features.

Instead of watching, you’ll learn JavaScript by doing.

Writing code is the focus of this course, not watching videos. Each project will require you to start from scratch, and you’ll also have to complete over 80 challenges that are meant to check your knowledge and solidify what you’ve learned.

Course Outline:

What is JavaScript and What is JavaScript used for?Tips to learn JavaScriptSetting up the Working EnvironmentHow to Add JavaScript to a PageVariablesOperatorsConditionalsLoopsArraysFunctionsDOM Elements & EventsPractical ExamplesTips & TricksClass Project

Your instructor will introduce you to running simple JavaScript programmes during this course. You will learn the language’s fundamentals (syntax, strings, and data types), as well as how to use loops, conditional statements, and work with arrays. Additionally, this course teaches students how to use callback, anonymous, scope, and return functions.

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What you will learn :

1. Modern ES6+ from the beginning
2. JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.
3. Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
4. Gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes
5. Extra code based on the instructor experience as a bonus
6. Get access to a free PDF guide with lecture notes, code samples, and documentation.

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