Learn Java & Spring Boot: REST, MVC & Microservices Free

Java + Spring Boot, Rest Web Services, MVC, Microservices

ZK Tutorials, Sadhu Sreenivas

Last Updated on August 26, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Java + Spring Boot, Rest Web Services, MVC, Microservices


Comprehensive Spring Boot Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re diving into the world of Java web development, a Spring Boot tutorial is your must-have map. Navigating through frameworks can sometimes feel like finding your way in a labyrinth, but with Spring Boot, you’ll find your path is clear and straightforward. In this article, we’ll explore what Spring Boot is, its key concepts, and essential features that make it a favorite among developers. So, whether you’re a newbie or looking to brush up on your skills, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started!

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is an open-source Java-based framework that simplifies the development of new Spring applications. The key advantage of Spring Boot is its ability to set up a Spring application quickly and with minimal fuss. No one enjoys spending hours configuring settings unnecessarily, and Spring Boot automates much of that process.

Why Use Spring Boot?

Many developers choose Spring Boot because:

  • It enables rapid application development.
  • It provides production-ready features out of the box.
  • It has extensive community support and rich documentation.
  • It supports RESTful application development effortlessly.

Prerequisites for This Spring Boot Tutorial

Before we dive into coding with our Spring Boot tutorial, there are a few prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of Java programming.
  • Familiarity with Spring framework concepts.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  • A suitable IDE (Integrated Development Environment), like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

Setup Your Spring Boot Development Environment

Setting up your environment is the first step on this exciting journey. You can use Spring Initializr, a web-based tool, to bootstrap your project quickly.

Using Spring Initializr

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit Spring Initializr.
  2. Select your preferred project metadata (Group, Artifact, Name).
  3. Choose the ‘Web’ dependency for RESTful services.
  4. Click on Generate, and a .zip file will be downloaded containing your project.

Your First Spring Boot Application

With your environment set up, it’s time to create your first application, and I promise it’s easier than you think! Let’s create a simple RESTful web service!

Creating a Simple REST Controller

Navigate to the generated project folder, open it in your IDE, and create a new Java class named HelloController in the src/main/java/com/example/demo directory.

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HelloController {
    public String greet() {
        return "Hello, Spring Boot!";

Now, run your application, and access http://localhost:8080/hello in your browser. Voila! You should see “Hello, Spring Boot!” displayed on your screen.

Key Features of Spring Boot

One of the reasons why developers love a good Spring Boot tutorial is due to its plethora of features. Let’s discuss some of the highlights:

Auto Configuration

Spring Boot comes with auto-configuration capabilities that automatically sets up your application based on the dependencies you’ve added. This saves you from the headache of manual configuration.

Embedded Servers

No need for installing web servers. Spring Boot applications come with embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow. You can run your application just as it is!

Spring Boot Starters

Spring Boot provides a set of starter packages that simplify dependency management. For example, spring-boot-starter-web bundles everything you need to build a web application.

Building a Web Application Using Spring Boot

Now that we have basic knowledge and our first project, let’s build a simple web application. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can create a fully functional app with just a few lines of code.

Adding Dependencies

You can add additional dependencies by modifying the pom.xml file (for Maven users) or using build.gradle (for Gradle users). For instance, to incorporate JPA (Java Persistence API), you would add:


Connecting to a Database

This next step will introduce you to the power of data management. You can connect your Spring Boot application to databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Here’s how you can set up a MySQL database:

  • Install MySQL on your local machine.
  • Create a database (e.g., demo_db).
  • Add the MySQL connector dependency in your project.
  • Configure your application.properties with your database credentials.

RESTful Web Services

A pivotal part of modern applications is building RESTful web services. In our Spring Boot tutorial, we’ll craft endpoints to interact with our frontend.

Creating RESTful Endpoints

You’ll be using annotations like @GetMapping, @PostMapping, and @PutMapping to define your endpoints. For example:

public User addUser(@RequestBody User user) {
    return userService.save(user);

Exception Handling in Spring Boot

Handling exceptions gracefully is essential for any application. Spring Boot provides an easy way to manage exceptions with the @ControllerAdvice annotation. This allows you to define global exception handlers.

Custom Exception Handling

Here’s a quick snippet to illustrate custom exception handling:

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
    public ResponseEntity<String> handleUserNotFound(UserNotFoundException ex) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(ex.getMessage(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

Unit Testing in Spring Boot

Unit testing should never be an afterthought; it’s an integral part of your development process. Spring Boot makes testing easier with its in-built testing framework.

JUnit and Mockito

Utilizing JUnit for writing tests and Mockito for mocking dependencies allows you to test your application effectively. For instance:

public class UserServiceTest {
    private UserRepository userRepository;

    private UserService userService;

    public void testAddUser() {
        // Your test logic here

Spring Boot Security

Security is paramount for modern web applications. Spring Boot Security integrates seamlessly to add authentication and authorization features.

Basic Authentication

With just a few configurations in the application.properties, you can secure your application. For more details, refer to the official Spring Security documentation.

Deploying Your Spring Boot Application

Once your application is ready, you would want to deploy it. Luckily, Spring Boot applications can be packaged and deployed as standalone applications or on cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku.

Creating a JAR File

To create a JAR file, simply run:

./mvnw clean package

Navigate to the target directory, and you’ll find your JAR file ready for deployment!

Tutorial Recap and Further Learning

As we conclude this Spring Boot tutorial, it’s essential to reflect on the concepts we covered:

  • Understanding what Spring Boot is and its advantages.
  • Building a simple web application step-by-step.
  • Learning about RESTful services, exception handling, unit testing, and security.
  • Deploying your application efficiently.

For more comprehensive learning resources, consider checking out extensive courses such as this Spring Boot course, which often offers Free Udemy Coupon options.

FAQs About Spring Boot

What is the difference between Spring and Spring Boot?

Spring is a widely used framework for Java development, while Spring Boot is a tool that simplifies the setup and development of new Spring applications.

Is Spring Boot free to use?

Yes, Spring Boot is open-source and free to use for both personal and commercial applications.

Can I use Spring Boot for microservices?

Absolutely! Spring Boot is an excellent choice for building microservices due to its simplicity and scalability.

What databases are compatible with Spring Boot?

Spring Boot supports a variety of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and many others, which you can easily integrate.

Where can I find more Spring Boot tutorials?

There are numerous resources available online, including Baeldung and the official Spring Boot documentation.

Final Thoughts

A comprehensive Spring Boot tutorial can propel you into creating fantastic Java applications with ease. Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So, construct your applications, experiment with different features, and don’t hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. In no time, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Spring Boot!


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