Git & GitHub for Beginners: From Start to Star

Git & GitHub for Beginners: From Start to Star

Meta Brains

Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Git & GitHub for Beginners: From Start to Star

“Git & GitHub for Beginners: From Start to Star” is an immersive course designed to take you from a basic understanding to a proficient level in using Git and GitHub, two of the most essential tools in modern software development.

This course begins by laying a solid foundation with an introduction to the core concepts of version control, the significance of Git and GitHub in the development world, and the differences between them. We dive into why these tools are indispensable for developers, ensuring even absolute beginners grasp the basics.

We then progress to practical aspects, guiding you through installations and account setups. You’ll learn how to install Git, set up a GitHub account, and configure necessary tools like Visual Studio Code. This practical approach ensures you’re not just learning concepts but also applying them in real-world scenarios.

The heart of the course lies in mastering the basics of GitHub. You’ll explore how to create and manage repositories, understand branching, make pull requests, address issues, and more. We also delve into the Git Command Line Interface (CLI), teaching you essential commands and how to use Git for effective version control.

Advanced topics are not left out. We’ll introduce you to GitHub Desktop, Git Bash, GitHub Extensions, and the innovative GitHub Copilot. By the end of this course, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Git and GitHub, equipped to handle code in a collaborative environment with ease and confidence.

Whether you’re a beginner programmer, a project manager, or just passionate about coding, this course will provide the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your coding journey. Join us to transform from a beginner to a star in the world of Git and GitHub!

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What you will learn :

1. Differentiate Git from GitHub: Understand the distinct roles of Git and GitHub in version control and collaboration.
2. Setup and Installation Mastery: Acquire skills in installing Git, setting up a GitHub account, and configuring essential tools like Visual Studio Code and Node.
3. Basic GitHub Operations: Learn to create and manage repositories, branches, pull requests, and issues on GitHub.
4. Git CLI Proficiency: Gain expertise in using Git commands for repository management and project version control.
5. Project Management with Git: Learn how to add, commit, and push projects using Git and GitHub.
6. Advanced GitHub Features: Explore GitHub’s additional tools such as Desktop GitHub, Git Bash, GitHub Extensions, and GitHub Copilot.
7. Issue Resolution Techniques: Understand how to effectively use GitHub for issue tracking and resolution.
8. Comprehensive Overview of GitHub: Attain a holistic understanding of GitHub’s functionalities and best practices.

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