Complete Flutter SQLite Database Project with Coupon

Image depicting Flutter app development with an SQLite database

Mostafa Mahmoud

Last Updated on November 4, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Flutter SQLite Database with full project

Free Udemy Coupon: Learn Flutter SQLite Database

In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to utilize the power of local databases in Flutter using SQLite. We will guide you through the process of building a fully functional Flutter app that integrates SQLite database.

By leveraging the SQFlite package, you will learn:

Creating Database

Master the art of creating your very own database using SQFlite. Understand the fundamental concepts behind database creation and implementation.

Inserting Data

Learn how to effectively insert data into your database. Master the techniques needed to seamlessly integrate data insertion functionality into your app.

Deleting Data

Discover how to efficiently delete data from your database. Develop a deep understanding of different deletion techniques and implement them into your app.

Retrieving Data

Learn the art of retrieving data from your database. Effectively access and extract data from the database to enhance your app’s functionality.

Flutter Bloc – State Management

Gain expertise in using the Flutter Bloc state management approach. Understand how to create states, Cubits, and Bloc Providers to effectively manage your app’s state.

Creating States

Learn how to create different states within your app. Understand the importance of properly managing states and improve your app’s performance.

Creating Cubit

Develop your understanding of Cubits. Discover how to implement Cubit in your app and utilize its capabilities to enhance your app’s functionality.

Creating Bloc Provider

Master the skill of creating Bloc Providers in Flutter. Learn how to effectively provide Blocs to components and improve your app’s reliability.

Integrating Cubit with the User Interface

Discover how to integrate your Cubit with the user interface. Learn strategies to effectively communicate between your Cubit and UI components.


Learn how to implement localization in your app. Understand how to support multiple languages and enable effortless language switching.

Themes (Dark & Light Mode)

Master the art of implementing different themes in your app. Learn to create and switch between light and dark modes seamlessly.

After completing this course, you will have a firm grasp on SQFlite, allowing you to confidently create your own apps with your unique design and data requirements. It is essential to follow along and practice the concepts taught in this course to fully understand and utilize SQFlite.

Are you ready to take your Flutter app development skills to the next level?

Enroll in this course now and unlock the power of Flutter SQLite database!

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this course for free with our Udemy coupon code!

Use coupon code “FLUTTERSQLITE” to enroll in this course at no cost.

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What you will learn :

1. State Management
2. Flutter Bloc “Cubit”
3. SQLite “SQFlite”
4. How to insert to database!
5. Howt to delete from database!
6. How to get data from database!
7. Flutter Themes
8. Splash Screen
9. Localaization

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