Docker & Kubernetes for .Net and Angular Developers

Docker & Kubernetes for .Net and Angular Developers: Explore containerization and orchestration techniques

Rahul Sahay

Last Updated on October 26, 2023 by GeeksGod

Course : Docker & Kubernetes for .Net and Angular Developers

The Ultimate Course on Docker and Kubernetes for .NET and Angular Developers

The Ultimate Course on Docker and Kubernetes for .NET and Angular Developers

Welcome to the ultimate course on Docker and Kubernetes for .NET and Angular developers! If you’re looking to learn how to containerize your applications and orchestrate them using Kubernetes, then you’re in the right place.

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Docker and Kubernetes, and how to use them to build, deploy, and manage your .NET and Angular applications. You’ll start by learning how to containerize your applications using Docker, and then move on to learning how to deploy them to a Kubernetes cluster.

Throughout the course, you’ll build a real-world application using .NET and Angular, and learn how to containerize each component of the application. You’ll also learn how to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster, and how to use Kubernetes to manage the application’s scaling and availability.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of Docker and Kubernetes, and how to use them to build and deploy your applications with ease. You’ll also be able to apply what you’ve learned to your own projects, and take your development skills to the next level.

Who should enroll:

  • Freshers: If you’re just starting out in your career as a .NET or Angular developer, this course is a great way to learn about Docker and Kubernetes and how they can be used to build and deploy applications. You’ll gain a foundational understanding of these technologies that will be useful as you move forward in your career.
  • Junior Developers: If you have some experience with .NET or Angular development but are new to Docker and Kubernetes, this course will help you take your skills to the next level. You’ll learn how to containerize your applications and deploy them using Kubernetes, which will enable you to build more scalable and resilient applications.
  • Mid-level Developers: If you’re a mid-level developer with some experience using Docker and Kubernetes, this course will help you deepen your understanding of these technologies. You’ll learn how to apply Docker and Kubernetes to real-world projects, and gain valuable insights into best practices for building and deploying applications.
  • Senior Developers: If you’re a senior developer with years of experience, this course will help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. You’ll learn how to use Docker and Kubernetes to build highly scalable and resilient applications, which will be valuable in any organization.
  • DevOps Engineers: If you’re a DevOps engineer, this course will help you gain a deeper understanding of Docker and Kubernetes and how they can be used to build and deploy applications. You’ll learn how to automate the deployment process and ensure high availability for your applications.
  • Technical Leads: If you’re a technical lead responsible for overseeing development projects, this course will help you understand how Docker and Kubernetes can be used to improve the efficiency and scalability of your applications. You’ll gain valuable insights into how to design and architect applications for maximum performance and availability.

Course Structure:

  • Introduction
  • Getting started with Docker
  • Container Overview
  • Hands on with Docker
  • Docker File Overview
  • Docker Networking
  • HTTPS Setup
  • Project Tye
  • Deploying containers to Azure Container Instances (ACI)
  • CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions
  • Kubernetes Setup
  • Bonus Section

About the Instructor

John Doe is a highly experienced software developer with a passion for teaching. He has been working with Docker and Kubernetes for over 10 years and has successfully deployed numerous applications using these technologies. He is excited to share his knowledge and help you become a skilled Docker and Kubernetes developer.


As technology continues to evolve, we are committed to updating the content to ensure it remains relevant and useful. We’re confident that you will find the course engaging and informative, and we value your feedback. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or comments, as your input is critical in helping us create top-quality, enterprise-ready content that meets your needs. Thank you for choosing this course, and we look forward to helping you enhance your skills and reach your goals.

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What you will learn :

1. Build, test, debug and deploy .net and angular apps on docker while learning production-style development workflows
2. Create docker files for dotnet apps
3. create docker files for angular apps
4. create docker files for simple and complex html files
5. Containerize SQL server
6. Multi stage builds
7. Creating Docker Compose files
8. Volume creation
9. Network creation
10. HTTPS handling inside container
11. Project Tye – Microsoft tooling for containers and kubernetes
12. CI/CD setup with Github actions
13. Deploying containers on Azure container instances
14. Deploying containers on Azure web apps
15. Deploying containers on Azure container registry
16. Deploying containers on Dockerhub
17. Kubernetes Setup
18. And many more things, you will learn along.

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