Certification Course for Beginners – CSS & JavaScript

Certification Course for Beginners - CSS & JavaScript

YouAccel Training

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : CSS & JavaScript – Certification Course for Beginners


Welcome to the CSS & JavaScript – Certification Course for Beginners. This two-part series provides a detailed overview of the fundamentals of coding using CSS and JavaScript. Students will learn how to create responsive web pages using project-based learning. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience with web development, this course is designed to help you strengthen your skills in CSS and JavaScript.

CSS Fundamentals

In the first part of this course, we will delve into the world of CSS and explore its various aspects. Here are some of the key topics we will cover:

Working with IDs, Classes, and Divisions

One of the fundamental concepts in CSS is the use of IDs, classes, and divisions. These selectors allow you to target specific elements on your web page and apply styling rules to them. Understanding how to properly use these selectors is essential for creating well-structured and maintainable CSS code.

CSS Text Properties, Borders, and Backgrounds

Text plays an important role in web design. In this section, we will cover CSS text properties such as font-size, font-family, and color. Additionally, we will explore how to style borders and backgrounds to enhance the visual appeal of your web pages.

Styling Images and Links

Images and links are commonly used elements in web design. We will learn how to apply CSS rules to style images and links, making them more visually appealing and interactive. With the right CSS techniques, you can create engaging user experiences on your web pages.

CSS Display Properties

The display property in CSS determines how an element is rendered on a web page. Understanding the different display values and their effects is crucial for creating responsive layouts. We will explore display values such as block, inline, inline-block, and flexbox, among others.

Element Positioning Techniques for Fully Responsive Layouts

Responsive web design is an essential skill for modern web developers. We will cover CSS positioning techniques that allow you to create fully responsive layouts. This includes static, relative, absolute, fixed, float, and clear positioning. By mastering these techniques, you will be able to design web pages that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Navigation Rules

Navigating through web pages is a core functionality of any website. We will explore CSS navigation rules that enable you to create intuitive and user-friendly navigation menus. You will learn how to create horizontal and vertical menus, dropdown menus, and apply CSS styles to enhance the navigation experience.

Page Elements

In this section, we will cover various CSS properties and techniques to style different page elements. From headings and paragraphs to lists and tables, you will learn how to apply CSS rules to create visually appealing and well-structured web pages.

JavaScript Integration

In the second part of this course, we will dive into the world of JavaScript and explore its integration with web pages for dynamic client-side functionality. Here are some of the key topics covered in this section:

JS Min and Max Functions

JavaScript provides built-in functions like min() and max() that allow you to calculate the minimum and maximum values from a set of numbers. We will explore how to utilize these functions in your JavaScript code to perform mathematical operations and make data-driven decisions.

Special Characters in JavaScript

JavaScript allows the use of special characters in strings and expressions. We will cover various special characters such as escape sequences, line breaks, tabs, and more. Understanding how to use these characters correctly will ensure that your JavaScript code is accurate and error-free.

Math Functions in JavaScript

Mathematical operations are commonly performed in JavaScript. We will explore various math functions provided by JavaScript, such as Math.round(), Math.floor(), Math.random(), and more. These functions will enable you to perform complex calculations and manipulate numbers efficiently.

Arrays in JavaScript

Arrays are fundamental data structures in JavaScript. We will learn how to create arrays, access their elements, add or remove elements, and perform various operations using JavaScript array methods. Arrays are powerful tools for storing and manipulating collections of data in your JavaScript code.

Changing and Deleting Elements in JavaScript

In this section, we will cover how to modify arrays and objects in JavaScript. You will learn how to change existing elements in an array or object, delete elements, and update their properties. Understanding these concepts is crucial for working with dynamic data in your JavaScript applications.

Conditional Statements in JavaScript

Conditional statements allow you to control the flow of your JavaScript code based on different conditions. We will explore if statements, else statements, else if statements, and switch statements. Conditional statements are essential for implementing logic and making decisions in your JavaScript programs.

Comparisons in JavaScript

JavaScript provides comparison operators that allow you to compare values and determine their relationships. We will cover various comparison operators such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, and more. Understanding how to use these operators will help you write more effective JavaScript code.

Booleans in JavaScript

Booleans are a fundamental data type in JavaScript. We will explore how to work with booleans to represent true or false values. Booleans are often used in conditional statements and decision-making processes in JavaScript programs.

Loops in JavaScript

Loops enable you to execute a block of code repeatedly based on certain conditions. We will cover for loops, for-in loops, while loops, and do-while loops. Loops are powerful tools for iterating over arrays, executing code a specific number of times, and performing other repetitive tasks in JavaScript.

What You’ll Learn – Overview

In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of CSS and JavaScript. Some key topics you can expect to learn include:

  • Parts of a CSS Rule
  • Types of CSS Rules
  • CSS Classes, Spans, IDs, Divisions
  • CSS Margins, Padding, Text Properties, Font Properties, Borders
  • CSS Backgrounds, Transparency
  • CSS Positioning – Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Float, Clear
  • CSS Link Styling, Z-Index, Tables
  • Responsive Web Page Design using CSS
  • JavaScript Placement
  • JavaScript Variables, Constants, Arithmetic Operators
  • Operator Precedence, Data Types, Objects
  • JavaScript Functions, Arrays, Array Attributes
  • JavaScript Loops (For, For-In, While, Do-While)

By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong foundation in CSS and JavaScript, allowing you to create visually appealing and interactive web pages.

Hands-on Projects

To solidify your learning, this course provides hands-on projects that give you the opportunity to apply your newly acquired skills. These projects will challenge you to create real-world web pages using CSS and JavaScript. By completing these projects, you will gain practical experience and build a portfolio of work to showcase your abilities.

Enroll Now

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your CSS and JavaScript skills. Enroll in this exciting new course today and take the first step towards becoming a certified CSS and JavaScript developer. Start your journey to success now!

Keywords: Free Udemy Coupon, CSS JavaScript certification, CSS & JavaScript – Certification Course for Beginners, responsive web pages, project based learning, CSS development, IDs, Classes, Divisions, CSS Text Properties, Borders, Backgrounds, Styling Images, Links, CSS Display Properties, Responsive layouts, Navigation Rules, Page Elements, JavaScript components, dynamic client-side functionality, JavaScript placement, Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Objects, Data Types, JS Min, Max Functions, Special Characters, Math Functions, Arrays, Conditional Statements, Comparisons, Booleans, Loops, Events, Functions, hands-on projects, Enroll

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What you will learn :

1. Parts of a CSS Rule
2. Types of CSS Rules
3. CSS Classes, Spans, IDs, Divisions
4. CSS Margins, Padding, Text Properties, Font Properties, Borders
5. CSS Backgrounds, Transparency
6. CSS Positioning – Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Float, Clear
7. CSS Link Styling, Z-Index, Tables
8. Responsive Web Page Design using CSS
9. JavaScript Placement
10. JavaScript Variables, Constants, Arithmetic Operators
11. Operator Precedence, Data Types, Objects
12. JavaScript Functions, Arrays, Array Attributes
13. JavaScript Loops (For, For-In, While, Do-While)

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