Creating REST Web API in ASP.NET MVC for Free with Udemy Discount

Creating REST Web API in ASP.NET MVC for Free with Udemy Discount

Asma Khalid

Last Updated on January 13, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : How to Develop REST Web API using ASP.NET MVC

Free Udemy Coupon: ASP.NET MVC – Learn REST Web API Development

Web APIs are one of the essential components in applications that involve data exchange in a client-server machine architecture. In this comprehensive course, you will learn about the development of REST web APIs using the ASP.NET MVC platform from basic to advanced levels.

What is REST Web API?

REST Web APIs, or Representational State Transfer Web Application Programming Interfaces, are a set of rules and protocols for building Web services that allow different systems to communicate with each other. RESTful APIs are built upon HTTP, and they enable data exchange between a client and a server using standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

How to setup basic REST Web API Project using ASP.NET MVC in Visual Studio?

To begin building RESTful web APIs using ASP.NET MVC in Visual Studio, you need to set up a basic project. This course will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a new project in Visual Studio and configuring it for REST API development.

How to generate REST Web API Security Key for authorization?

Authorization plays a crucial role in securing RESTful web APIs. This course will teach you how to generate a security key for your REST API to ensure that only authorized users can access it. You will learn various authentication and authorization techniques to enhance the security of your web API.

What are JSON Objects Mapper in C#.NET?

In C#.NET, JSON Object Mappers are used to convert JSON data to C# objects and vice versa. This course will cover JSON serialization and deserialization techniques using popular JSON object mappers such as NewtonSoft.Json.

How to create REST Web API HTTP POST type method?

HTTP POST is used to submit data to be processed by the identified resource. In this course, you will learn how to create a POST method in your RESTful web API to handle incoming data and perform the necessary operations based on the request payload.

How to create REST Web API HTTP GET type method without Request Query Parameters?

HTTP GET is used to retrieve data from a specified resource. This course will walk you through the process of creating a GET method in your web API to fetch data without the need for request query parameters.

How to create REST Web API HTTP GET type method with Request Query Parameters?

HTTP GET requests can also include query parameters to filter and sort the requested data. This course will teach you how to create a GET method in your RESTful web API that accepts query parameters and returns filtered data based on the provided criteria.

How to change REST Web API method name in ASP.NET MVC using Name Routing?

Name routing allows you to customize the URL structure of your web APIs by specifying a route name that corresponds to a specific action method. In this course, you will learn how to change the method name of your REST API using name routing techniques in ASP.NET MVC.

How to do non-token based basic REST Web API authorization?

In some scenarios, token-based authentication may not be feasible or necessary. This course will explore non-token-based authentication techniques for securing your RESTful web APIs. You will learn how to implement basic authentication using username and password validation.

How to do Token based REST Web API authorization using OAuth in ASP.NET MVC?

OAuth is an industry-standard authorization protocol that allows third-party applications to access a user’s resources without sharing their credentials. This course will guide you through the process of implementing token-based authorization using OAuth in your ASP.NET MVC RESTful web APIs.

What is Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework provided by Microsoft. It enables developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects instead of traditional database tables and SQL queries. This course will introduce you to the basics of Entity Framework and its integration with RESTful web APIs.

How to connect REST Web API with SQL Server using Entity Framework Database First?

Connecting your RESTful web API with a SQL Server database is a common requirement in enterprise applications. This course will walk you through the process of establishing a connection between your web API and a SQL Server database using Entity Framework’s Database First approach. You will learn how to generate entity classes and perform CRUD operations on the database.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of RESTful web API development using ASP.NET MVC and be able to build robust and secure APIs for your applications.

Why Learn REST Web API Development with ASP.NET MVC?

RESTful web APIs have become the industry standard for building scalable and interoperable applications. ASP.NET MVC provides a powerful and flexible platform for developing RESTful web APIs that can be consumed by various client applications such as web, mobile, and desktop. Here are some reasons why you should consider learning REST web API development with ASP.NET MVC:

  • Scalability: RESTful web APIs allow you to build scalable applications by separating the client and server concerns. This enables you to scale the server-side infrastructure independently without affecting the client application.
  • Interoperability: RESTful web APIs are designed to be platform-independent and language-agnostic. They can be consumed by clients developed using different programming languages and frameworks.
  • Security: ASP.NET MVC provides built-in mechanisms for implementing secure RESTful web APIs. You can enforce authentication and authorization using various authentication providers, tokens, and secure communication protocols.
  • Flexibility: ASP.NET MVC offers a flexible and extensible architecture, allowing you to customize and extend the functionality of your web API as per your specific requirements. You can implement various design patterns and architectural styles to enhance the maintainability and flexibility of your API.
  • Integration: ASP.NET MVC seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft technologies such as SQL Server, Entity Framework, and Azure services. This enables you to leverage the power of these technologies to build robust and scalable RESTful web APIs.
  • Community Support: ASP.NET MVC has a vibrant developer community that actively contributes to its growth and provides support through various online forums, communities, and resources. Learning ASP.NET MVC for RESTful web API development ensures that you have access to a vast knowledge base and community support.


RESTful web APIs are crucial for building modern applications that require real-time data exchange and seamless integration with different systems. Learning how to develop RESTful web APIs using ASP.NET MVC will not only enhance your career prospects as a software developer but also enable you to build scalable, secure, and interoperable applications.

Enroll in this course now and unlock your potential as a REST web API developer with ASP.NET MVC. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain hands-on experience in building robust and scalable web APIs.

Remember, continuous learning is the key to success in the rapidly evolving field of software development. Stay ahead of the curve and master the art of REST web API development with ASP.NET MVC!

Free Udemy Coupon: ASP.NET MVC – Learn REST Web API Development

Get a FREE Udemy coupon for this ASP.NET MVC course. Unlock your potential and learn REST web API development from industry experts with hands-on practice. Enroll now and take your career to the next level!

Recommended Resources

Here are some recommended resources to further enhance your knowledge of RESTful web API development with ASP.NET MVC:

  1. Official Microsoft Documentation for ASP.NET Core Web API
  2. Udemy Courses on ASP.NET MVC – Explore other Udemy courses on ASP.NET MVC to expand your knowledge and skills.
  3. ASP.NET Web API Official Website – Access official resources, tutorials, and documentation for ASP.NET Web API development.
  4. RESTful API Design Guidelines – Learn best practices for designing RESTful APIs for maximum scalability, security, and performance.
  5. Swagger – Explore Swagger, an open-source toolset for designing, building, and documenting RESTful APIs.

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What you will learn :

1. REST Web API Development from Basic to Advance level
2. Introduction to REST Web API
4. Setup Basic REST Web API Project in Visual Studio
5. API Security Key Generation for Authorization
6. JSON Object Mapper in C#
7. Non-Token Based REST Web API Authorization
8. Token Based REST Web API Authorization
9. Introduction to Entity Framework
10. REST Web API connection with SQL Server Database using ASP dot NET MVC Platform

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