Computer Science MetaBootcamp: Beginner to Intermediate 2022

Odysy Academy

Last Updated on December 8, 2022 by GeeksGod

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What you will learn :

1. Finally understand how computers and all cyber systems work at a basic level.
2. Take a journey through all the layers of cyber systems beginning from electrical signals at the bottom up to the algorithms in your head.
3. Understand programming concepts such as Model View Controller (MVC), bit manipulation and much more.
4. A holistic understanding of basics such as variables, loops, conditionals and much more.
5. Learn scripting and automation through Python, the top programming language of today used in Web Development, Machine Learning and Data Science.
6. Understand how the internet works and other networking concepts.
7. Learn web technologies such as HTML, CSS and Javascript.
8. Take your first step into the field of cybersecurity by completing a Capture the Flag challenge on the popular TryHackMe platform.
9. Prepare for jobs or internships by practicing common leetcode problems that are commonly asked in tech interviews today.
10. Become language agnostic and migrate easily from 1 language and framework to another by converting your Python project to a web page using HTML, CSS and JS.
11. Follow along with interesting storylines and characters that re-enforce the concepts learnt in the course.
12. Speed run up to 5 semesters’ worth of a Computer Science and Engineering Degree on demand and quickly recognize your strengths, weaknesses and interests.
13. Be able to easily differentiate and understand the basics of each of the giant sub-fields within CSE.
14. Understand clearly and exactly what a CS student walks like, thinks like, and acts like!
15. Identify a path for yourself within the tech infused careers of tomorrow!

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