Beginner’s Hands-On Docker Course – 12+ Hours (Free Coupon)

Beginner's Hands-On Docker Course - 12+ Hours

Daniel Pinheiro Maia

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : Docker for Beginners: a Hands-On Practice Course (+12 hours)

Free Udemy Coupon – Docker Course

Free Udemy Coupon – Docker Course


Hi all, this is a Docker Course for beginners. Initially designed to be a series of Youtube videos, I later decided to join them into a whole Udemy course, as a lot of content has been added, both regarding the theory as the practice of Docker Fundamentals.

Why Learn Docker?

Docker is a “MUST-KNOW” technology for anyone who works or is interested in working with Software Industry, no matter what specific interests or position one may have.

Course Overview

Through this course, you’ll will start from ZERO and learn everything you need to know about how to start dockerizing your own software applications and sharing those at Docker Hub Cloud. You’ll learn how to create and deploy multiple integrated Docker Containers using different network types. You’ll learn how to use Docker CLI and Docker Compose for easily running local and remote Docker images/containers. You’ll also learn how to extend and reuse public Docker Images from Docker Hub and integrate those with your own, mounting up a whole system environment, in an easy, fast and automated way.

Course Structure

This course consists of 8 Lectures with a total duration of 12+ hours:

Lecture 01 – How to Install and Test Docker on Linux

This lecture will guide you on how to install and test Docker on a Linux machine.

Lecture 02 – Create Your First Image, Containerize a Sample App and Share It at Docker Hub

In this lecture, you will learn how to create your first Docker image, containerize a sample application, and share it on Docker Hub.

Lecture 03 – Containerize and Share a Full Spring Boot Application at Docker Hub

This lecture focuses on containerizing and sharing a full Spring Boot application on Docker Hub.

Lecture 04 – Run MySQL from inside a Container and Test It with MySQL CLI and MySQL Workbench

In this lecture, you will learn how to run MySQL from inside a Docker container and test it using MySQL CLI and MySQL Workbench.

Lecture 05 – Integrate Multiple Containers Using Links – Spring Boot and MySQL

This lecture demonstrates how to integrate multiple containers using links, specifically connecting a Spring Boot application with a MySQL container.

Lecture 06 – Diving Into Networking Theory – The Bridge Network Driver

In this lecture, you will dive into networking theory in Docker, specifically understanding the Bridge Network Driver.

Lecture 07 – Bridge Network in Practice – Default (with Links) x User-Defined (no Links)

This lecture showcases the practical implementation of the Bridge Network with default (links) and user-defined (no links) configurations.

Lecture 08 – Docker Compose, YAML and CLI Statements Optimizations – Final Project Run

In the final lecture, you will learn about Docker Compose, YAML and CLI statements optimizations, and perform a final project run.


If you’ve never used Docker before, welcome to this exciting, essential, and extremely useful technology. If you’re already a Docker user, surely there’s a lot you’ll gain from this course, adding up to your previous knowledge about this amazing deployment platform. Let’s start this journey together and venture into the Dockerizing world of Docker!! Welcome aboard!!

Important Notes

  • The midi songs used at the beginning and ending of each lecture have been freely supplied by Aleksandr Shamaluev at ashamaluevmusic website.
  • Set the displaying resolution of the lecture videos to 1k at the bottom right configuration button. Udemy generally sets a lower resolution. Although all videos have been rendered and uploaded in 4k, the max resolution at Udemy is 1k (or lower, if you do not set it manually).

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What you will learn :

1. Docker Fundamentals
2. Docker Objects
3. Docker CLI
4. Docker Hub Cloud Repositories
5. Docker Networks
6. Docker Compose
7. Docker Documentation
8. Create, Integrate, Run and Share Docker Images and Containers
9. Optimize your run statements for leveraging the most out of Docker features
10. Real working examples with Java standalone apps and Java Spring Boot MVC apps, integrated with MySQL, running inside multiple containers

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