Deploy React Web Apps on AWS Cloud

Deploy React Web Apps on AWS Cloud

YouAccel Training

Last Updated on July 20, 2024 by GeeksGod

Course : AWS, JavaScript, React | Deploy Web Apps on the Cloud

Free Udemy Coupon: Learn how to Deploy React Web Apps on AWS and Linode

Welcome to our latest course on how to deploy fully scalable React web apps on some of the most powerful cloud computing platforms available, including AWS and Linode. In this comprehensive course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to deploy and manage React web apps in a cloud environment. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will provide valuable insights and practical hands-on exercises to enhance your skills.

Foundations of Cloud Computing

In the first section of this course, we will explore the foundations of cloud computing. We’ll provide a comprehensive overview of the three main cloud service models: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. Understanding these models is crucial for deploying web apps in a cloud environment. Utilizing cloud services can offer numerous benefits, such as scalability, reliability, and cost-efficiency.

Deploying and Configuring Virtual Instances

To deploy and manage web apps in the cloud, you need to master virtual instances. In this course, we offer an in-depth guide to deploying and configuring virtual instances on AWS and Linode. You will learn how to provision virtual machines, allocate resources, and manage security settings. Additionally, we’ll cover remote server administration and server security using SSH. These skills are essential for maintaining a secure and reliable cloud infrastructure.

Introduction to Linux

Linux is a widely used operating system in the cloud computing industry. In this section, we’ll introduce you to Linux and its various distributions. You’ll gain insights into the Linux file system, essential Linux maintenance commands, and directory commands. Knowing how to navigate and utilize Linux is fundamental for deploying and managing web apps on AWS and Linode.

Web Servers: Apache and NGINX

Web servers are crucial components of any web application infrastructure. In this module, we’ll explore two industry-leading server software: Apache and NGINX. You’ll learn the benefits and use cases of each server technology, combined with an in-depth technical analysis of their performance in production environments. Understanding how to configure and optimize web servers is vital for delivering high-performance web apps.

Database Management Systems

Database management systems (DBMS) play a significant role in web app development. In this course, we’ll delve into both SQL and NoSQL databases and their transaction standards. You’ll gain valuable insights into various database options and the best use case for each, depending on project type and complexity. Comprehensive knowledge of DBMS is essential for building and maintaining scalable and efficient web applications.

LAMP Stack Setup on Ubuntu

Once you grasp the theoretical aspects of web servers and DBMSes, we’ll guide you through a practical hands-on guide to setting up LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) on Ubuntu. You’ll learn how to configure Linux with Apache, MariaDB, and PHP, as well as upload data to a MariaDB database and fetch records within PHP scripts. This exercise will provide you with hands-on experience in setting up a complete web app development environment.

Server Security: Network and Hosted Firewalls

In this course, we emphasize server security to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your web apps. We’ll explore both network and hosted firewalls, highlighting the pitfalls of lax server configurations. You’ll receive a step-by-step guide on enabling and setting up Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) for Ubuntu. Additionally, you’ll learn how to configure custom ports for SSH tunneling to add an extra layer of security.

Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

In the second half of this course, we’ll focus on Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the leading cloud service providers. AWS offers a wide range of services for hosting and managing web applications. We’ll start by demonstrating how to set up, secure, and navigate an AWS account. Essential tasks, such as setting up billing alerts and multi-factor authentication, will be covered.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Account security is of utmost importance in a cloud computing environment. In this module, we’ll explore AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). You’ll learn how to enhance account security by managing user accounts for various AWS services. Topics covered include IAM User management and permissions, IAM Groups, IAM Policies, and access key rotation. A solid understanding of IAM is crucial for maintaining a secure and manageable AWS account.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service provides scalable virtual instances for running applications in the cloud. In this module, you’ll learn how to deploy virtual instances on AWS using Amazon Machine Images, Elastic IPs, and Launch Templates. We’ll also explore IAM roles for EC2, EC2 Security Groups, SSH key pair authentication, and remote administration using both terminal and EC2 Instance Connect. Mastering EC2 is essential for deploying and managing web apps on AWS.

Building Interactive Web Apps with JavaScript and React

In the latter part of this course, we’ll shift our focus to web app development using JavaScript and React. JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development, and React is a popular library for building interactive user interfaces. We’ll start with JavaScript foundations, covering topics such as the document object model (DOM), DOM manipulation, variables, arithmetic operations, data types, objects, arrays, loops, functions, and events. These fundamental JavaScript concepts are crucial for building dynamic web applications.

JavaScript Projects: Background Color Changer and Photo Gallery

After mastering JavaScript fundamentals, we’ll put your skills to the test with two hands-on projects. You’ll build a background color changer and a photo gallery. These projects will solidify your understanding of JavaScript concepts and provide practical experience in building interactive web features.

React Modules: From Basics to Intermediate Concepts

Now that you have a solid foundation in JavaScript, we’ll dive into building dynamic front-end UI components using the React JS library. Through a series of hands-on projects, you’ll build a calculator, Connect-4 Game clone, and a fully customizable e-commerce site. The React modules will start from the basics and progress to several intermediate-level concepts, including working with code pen, JSX, functional components, props, callbacks, events, the React State hook, conditional rendering, Fetch API, refactoring, and much more. By the end of this section, you’ll have the skills to create complex and interactive web apps using React.

About the Instructor

This course is co-authored by Tim Maclachlan, a renowned senior full-stack developer with over 20 years of commercial development experience. Tim specializes in algorithmic, analytical, and mobile development, allowing him to provide unique and practical insights into the world of web app deployment. He has extensive experience in various industries, including commercial aviation, military, banking, and finance. Tim’s passion for teaching shines through, and he looks forward to helping you become a better coder.

Enroll Now and Start Deploying Scalable React Web Apps Today!

We hope you’re just as excited about this course as we are. By enrolling now, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive guide on deploying React web apps on AWS and Linode. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course offers valuable insights and hands-on exercises to enhance your skills. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your web app deployment knowledge and boost your career. Hit the enroll button and let’s get started!

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What you will learn :

1. Foundations of Cloud Computing on AWS and Linode
2. Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
3. Deploying and Configuring a Virtual Instance on Linode and AWS
4. Secure Remote Administration for Virtual Instances using SSH
5. Working with SSH Key Pair Authentication
6. The Foundations of Linux (Maintenance, Directory Commands, User Accounts, Filesystem)
7. The Foundations of Web Servers (NGINX vs Apache)
8. Foundations of Databases (SQL vs NoSQL), Database Transaction Standards (ACID vs CAP)
9. Key Terminology for Full Stack Development and Cloud Administration
10. Installing and Configuring LAMP Stack on Ubuntu (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP)
11. Server Security Foundations (Network vs Hosted Firewalls).
12. Horizontal and Vertical Scaling of a virtual instance on Linode using NodeBalancers
13. Creating Manual and Automated Server Images and Backups on Linode
14. Understanding the Cloud Computing Phenomenon as Applicable to AWS
15. The Characteristics of Cloud Computing as Applicable to AWS
16. Cloud Deployment Models (Private, Community, Hybrid, VPC)
17. Foundations of AWS (Registration, Global vs Regional Services, Billing Alerts, MFA)
18. AWS Identity and Access Management (Mechanics, Users, Groups, Policies, Roles)
19. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – (AMIs, EC2 Users, Deployment, Elastic IP, Security Groups, Remote Admin)
20. Foundations of the Document Object Model (DOM)
21. Manipulating the DOM
22. Foundations of JavaScript Coding (Variables, Objects, Functions, Loops, Arrays, Events)
23. Foundations of ReactJS (Code Pen, JSX, Components, Props, Events, State Hook, Debugging)
24. Intermediate React (Passing Props, Destrcuting, Styling, Key Property, AI, Conditional Rendering, Deployment)
25. Building a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site in React
26. Intermediate React Concepts (JSON Server, Fetch API, React Router, Styled Components, Refactoring, UseContext Hook, UseReducer, Form Validation)

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