2023 – The Master in Web Development (Backend & Frontend)

Faisal Zamir, Jafri Code

Last Updated on February 20, 2023 by GeeksGod

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What you will learn :

1. You will learn frontend and backend with practical examples and exercises
2. You will be able how to setup and Install MySQL Database server. And make connection with Database
3. You will be able to Learn PHP as backend language that is important as well as most used programming language.
4. You will be able to learn HTML, CSS with Practical. Also discussed different properties of HTML and CSS.
5. You will learn How to use CSS different properties like margin, padding, float, background etc
6. You will learn How to use HTML in website like to comments, to use CSS in HTML, etc
7. You will learn PHP Extension that is MySQLi, which have different methods to perform different operations.
8. You will learn how to create CRUD type of application using PHP
9. You will learn to Create Complete CMS System using PHP and MySQLi
10. You will learn to Manage Session for Application

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