Practical Java concurrency with the Akka Actor Model

Learn how to avoid thread-safety issues, synchronization and blocking with a really practical hands-on course



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What you'll learn

1. Concurrent Java programming using the Actor Framework
2. How the Actor Model works and can be used as a better alternatives to Thread creation
3. How to use the core Akka libraries to build robust, thread-safe, concurrent applications

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This course includes

- 7 hours on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. Basic Java knowledge
2. Some existing Java multi-threading programming is helpful but not essential
3. No knowledge of Akka or Scala is needed


This course will cover how to use the Actor Model provided by the Akka framework to build robust, thread-safe concurrent applications with Java.

Instead of creating threads, worrying about thread-safe variables, using synchronization and locks, learn how the actor model gives us a completely different way to approach concurrent programming.

The course is full of practical real-world scenarios – you’ll even build a basic blockchain mining application.

Please note that although Akka is built in Scala, no Scala knowledge is needed for this course – the course covers Akka with Java and we won’t be writing any Scala code.

This course covers the newer Akka Typed API only.

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