How to Draw and Sketch for Absolute Beginners

Learn the Basics of Sketching and Drawing



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What you'll learn

1. By the end of this course you will be able to draw almost anything
2. The correct way to use reference
3. Draw what they see and observe
4. Draw basic lines and shapes
5. Understand the basics of volume , light , shadow and composition
6. Feel confident enough to further their artistic learning on any subject.
7. Understand that everything is made of a few basic shapes

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This course includes

- 11 hours on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. There is absolutely no prior experience required to take this course
2. No software is needed
3. Only a pencil or pen and paper is needed


Drawing and sketching can seem like magic if you don’t know how to do it. It’s not magic, it’s a skill. that means it can be taught and I will be your instructor. Just like anything and everything you have learned you had to know the very basics. You can’t do math without knowing how to count and you can’t drive without knowing what the key looks like.
This course is your “key”. All drawing starts with lines, some are straight, some are curved and rough but all are lines.  Lines are used to make shapes and shapes become volumes (3d shapes) and everything in the world is made from shapes. 
I will teach you to use those shapes. I will show you how to make lines shapes and volumes. You will learn to hone your observational skills and draw what you see, and even what is in your head if you study and practice enough.
You need no experience in drawing. Absolutely zero ! There is no special software just a regular pencil and some paper. 
If you have always wanted to learn to draw this is the course for you. If you are a graphic artist that knows learning to draw will save you time and money, take this course. If you want to make comics or cartoons then this will be the course that will be your starting point. 
This is the beginner class. Often books tell you to start by making 3d shapes but what if you are having trouble with that? If you are , I got you covered.  

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