Destroy the Exam Fear

Improve your academic score by removing the fear of exams

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1,465 students enrolled

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What you'll learn

1. Increased positivity u2013 Once you understand what is stress and fear, it becomes easy to get rid of them
2. Getting rid of suicidal thoughts u2013 Understanding that exam is the end of the class and not of life, you will get the larger perspective of life
3. Better marks u2013 The only mind that can give better results is the calm one and our course will help to achieve that

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This course includes

- 1 hour on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. Age group – 14 and above


Every hour, one student commits suicide in India.
India has one of the world’s highest suicide rates for youth aged 15 to 29, according to a 2012 Lancet report, which illustrated the need for urgent interventions. And the primary reason for suicides is not doing well in academics!
How sad is that, a life lost just because of failing in an exam or fear of failing in an exam, which anyway is not that important in the long run. There is no student that does not get stressed when s/he hears the word exam. But other than studying hard, do you do anything else to beat that fear?
That is why we decided to create an E course in collaboration with Nakul Agarwal. Nakul is not some old guy with some foreign university certification, with which you will never connect with. He is the young Indian Spiritualist, who at just age of 27 has individually transformed thousands of youth and his NGO Renovatio has transformed millions.

By the end of this course you will learn:

Why the fear arises and types of exam fears
Mindset shifts to tackle the fear
Simple breathing techniques for increasing your efficiency (even many certified yoga trainers are not aware of these breathing techniques)
Managing your negative emotions and with time getting rid of them
Why distractions occur while studying and how to get rid of them

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