Basic Tongan Language

Fundamental Language Principles of Tongan

Highest Rated


4.8 (48 ratings)

533 students enrolled

Discount 64% off

What you'll learn

1. Speak basic Tongan
2. Know basic Tongan grammar
3. Read Tongan
4. Understand basic Tongan

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This course includes

- 1.5 hours on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. No prerequisites


Intended for anyone interested in the Kingdom of Tonga, this course will give you the building blocks to form a foundation in your Tongan language skills. Everything in this course was carefully thought out and organized to give you exactly what you need to know to grasp the Tongan language. The lessons are clear and concise. Whether you don’t know a word of Tongan or you grew up with it, you are sure to gain insight from this course. ‘Ofa Atu!

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