Last Updated on May 10, 2023 by GeeksGod
Take the 100 days of code challenge! Welcome to the 100 Days of Code: Data Scientist Challenge course where you can test your Python programming and data science skills.
Topics you will find in the exercises:
working with numpy arraysgenerating numpy arraysgenerating numpy arrays with random valuesiterating through arraysdealing with missing valuesworking with matricesreading/writing filesjoining arraysreshaping arrayscomputing basic array statisticssorting arraysfiltering arraysimage as an arraylinear algebramatrix multiplicationdeterminant of the matrixeigenvalues and eignevectorsinverse matrixshuffling arraysworking with polynomialsworking with datesworking with strings in arraysolving systems of equationsworking with Seriesworking with DatetimeIndexworking with DataFramesreading/writing filesworking with different data types in DataFramesworking with indexesworking with missing valuesfiltering datasorting datagrouping datamapping columnscomputing correlationconcatenating DataFramescalculating cumulative statisticsworking with duplicate valuespreparing data to machine learning modelsdummy encodingworking with csv and json fillesmerging DataFramespivot tablespreparing data to machine learning modelsworking with missing values, SimpleImputer classclassification, regression, clusteringdiscretizationfeature extractionPolynomialFeatures classLabelEncoder classOneHotEncoder classStandardScaler classdummy encodingsplitting data into train and test setLogisticRegression classconfusion matrixclassification reportLinearRegression classMAE – Mean Absolute ErrorMSE – Mean Squared Errorsigmoid() functionentorpyaccuracy scoreDecisionTreeClassifier classGridSearchCV classRandomForestClassifier classCountVectorizer classTfidfVectorizer classKMeans classAgglomerativeClustering classHierarchicalClustering classDBSCAN classdimensionality reduction, PCA analysisAssociation RulesLocalOutlierFactor classIsolationForest classKNeighborsClassifier classMultinomialNB classGradientBoostingRegressor class
This course is designed for people who have basic knowledge in Python and data science. It consists of 300 exercises with solutions. This is a great test for people who want to become a data scientist and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview.
If you’re wondering if it’s worth taking a step towards data science, don’t hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.
Stack Overflow Developer Survey
According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, Python is the most wanted programming language. Python passed SQL to become our third most popular technology. Python is the language developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so.