Get Job as Java SpringBoot Developer in IT industry

Obify Consulting

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What you will learn :

1. You will how to create Rest API using SpringBoot
2. You will learn to implement Spring Profiles
3. You will learn to implement logging using logback
4. You will learn about field validation and error handling
5. You will learn SpringData JPA to write queries on entities
6. You will learn to implement Swagger Documentation for your API
7. You will learn to write unit test using Junit and Mockito
8. You will learn to implement to EhCache for caching data
9. You will learn to make remote API call by RestTemplate
10. You will learn about managing dependencies using Maven build tool
11. You will learn to fix code quality issues using SonarLint
12. You will learn all the best practices that should be used to create production ready microservice
13. You will learn the Git flow strategy for your Dev, Test, Acc, Production environment along with pull request strategy
14. You will learn to debug your application using intellij

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