Implement 150 functions in Python! – Hands-on course

Paweł Krakowiak

Last Updated on April 7, 2023 by GeeksGod

Welcome to the Implement 150 functions in Python! – Hands-on course where you can test your Python programming skills.

Topics you will find in the exercises:

calculations in Pythonslicingstrings, and str methodsdata typesdata structures: set. tuple, list, dictprogram flow controlif statementfor loopsbreak statementcontinue statementwhile loopsexception handlinginput/outputreading filessaving to filesbuilt-in functionsdefining your own functionsanonymous functions – lambda expressionset comprehensionlist comprehensiondict comprehensionbuilt-in modulesFibonacci sequenceprime and composite numberspalindromic numbersGCDdecimal system, binary systemcompressionobject oriented programmingHamming distanceScrabble gamespiral matricesinput / output operationswork with JSON and CSV filesETL processingobject serialization – pickleSQLite databases – sqlite3Levenshtein distanceCaesar CipherMorse codeMonte Carlo methodbitwise AND, OR, XORfunctional programminginheritance from built-in classescalculation of moving averages and minimaimplementation of the Matrix classimplementation of the Stack classimplementation of the Queue classthe parentheses validatorHTML document validatorand other

This course is designed for people who have basic and advanced knowledge in Python. It consists of 150 exercises with solutions. This is a great test for people who are learning the Python language and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview.

If you’re wondering if it’s worth taking a step towards Python, don’t hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.

Stack Overflow Developer Survey

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, Python is the most wanted programming language. Python passed SQL to become our third most popular technology. Python is the language developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so.

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What you will learn :

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