NLP – Natural Language Processing with Python

Learn to use Machine Learning, Spacy, NLTK, SciKit-Learn, Deep Learning, and more to conduct Natural Language Processing



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What you'll learn

1. Learn to work with Text Files with Python
2. Learn how to work with PDF files in Python
3. Utilize Regular Expressions for pattern searching in text
4. Use Spacy for ultra fast tokenization
5. Learn about Stemming and Lemmatization
6. Understand Vocabulary Matching with Spacy
7. Use Part of Speech Tagging to automatically process raw text files
8. Understand Named Entity Recognition
9. Visualize POS and NER with Spacy
10. Use SciKit-Learn for Text Classification
11. Use Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modelling
12. Learn about Non-negative Matrix Factorization
13. Use the Word2Vec algorithm
14. Use NLTK for Sentiment Analysis
15. Use Deep Learning to build out your own chat bot

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This course includes

- 11.5 hours on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. Understand general Python
2. Have permissions to install python packages onto computer
3. Internet connection


Welcome to the best Natural Language Processing course on the internet! This course is designed to be your complete online resource for learning how to use Natural Language Processing with the Python programming language.
In the course we will cover everything you need to learn in order to become a world class practitioner of NLP with Python.
We’ll start off with the basics, learning how to open and work with text and PDF files with Python, as well as learning how to use regular expressions to search for custom patterns inside of text files.
Afterwards we will begin with the basics of Natural Language Processing, utilizing the Natural Language Toolkit library for Python, as well as the state of the art Spacy library for ultra fast tokenization, parsing, entity recognition, and lemmatization of text.
We’ll understand fundamental NLP concepts such as stemming, lemmatization, stop words, phrase matching, tokenization and more!
Next we will cover Part-of-Speech tagging, where your Python scripts will be able to automatically assign words in text to their appropriate part of speech, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives, an essential part of building intelligent language systems.
We’ll also learn about named entity recognition, allowing your code to automatically understand concepts like money, time, companies, products, and more simply by supplying the text information.
Through state of the art visualization libraries we will be able view these relationships in real time.
Then we will move on to understanding machine learning with Scikit-Learn to conduct text classification, such as automatically building machine learning systems that can determine positive versus negative movie reviews, or spam versus legitimate email messages.
We will expand this knowledge to more complex unsupervised learning methods for natural language processing, such as topic modelling, where our machine learning models will detect topics and major concepts from raw text files.
This course even covers advanced topics, such as sentiment analysis of text with the NLTK library, and creating semantic word vectors with the Word2Vec algorithm.
Included in this course is an entire section devoted to state of the art advanced topics, such as using deep learning to build out our own chat bots!
Not only do you get fantastic technical content with this course, but you will also get access to both our course related Question and Answer forums, as well as our live student chat channel, so you can team up with other students for projects, or get help on the course content from myself and the course teaching assistants.
All of this comes with a 30 day money back garuantee, so you can try the course risk free.
What are you waiting for? Become an expert in natural language processing today!
I will see you inside the course,

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