Spring Security Core: Beginner to Guru

Learn how to use Spring Security to Secure Your Spring Framework Applications



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What you'll learn

1. How to Secure Applications using Spring Security
2. How to Protect Against Common Web Security Vulnerabilities (OWASP)
3. Use Spring Security to Authenticate Application Users
4. Use Spring Security to Authorize User Actions
5. Password Management
6. Best Practices for Limiting User Access
7. Use Test Driven Development to Test User Access

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This course includes

- 9 hours on-demand video

- Full lifetime access

- Access on mobile and TV

- Certificate of Completion


1. Must be comfortable with the Java programming language
2. Knowledgeable with the Spring Framework 5
3. Experienced with JUnit and Mockito
4. Understand Fundamentals of Web Applications
5. Knowledge of HTTP, Apache Maven, and SQL helpful


Seems like everyday you can find a news story about a security breach, which can be devastating to companies.
Clearly, security is a very important topic.
The Spring Framework is the most popular Java framework for building cloud scale applications.
Spring Security provides you all the tools you need to secure your Java application.
Application security is much more than allowing access after checking a user name and password. You will learn how to limit what application features a user may or may not see. And also, how to limit what data a user may or may not see.
This course focuses on the core fundamentals of Spring Security.
Central to Spring Security is the process of Authentication. This is the process of establishing a user’s identity. 
Once a user’s identity is established, the process of Authorization is used to allow the user to access specific actions and features of an application.
Spring Security has a very robust toolset for Authentication and Authorization.
Inside this course, you will master both.
You will start the course by learning how to leverage the auto-configuration capabilities of Spring Boot to quickly secure a web application using HTTP Basic Authentication.
Then, you’ll be lead through a series of exercises, to replace and customize the default Spring Boot auto-configuration.
Through this process, you will understand the Spring Boot hidden ‘magic’, and learn how to master the configuration of Spring Security. 
You will be working with a typical Spring Boot Web Application. The application mimics a robust monolithic application – with web pages and RESTful endpoints. This allows us to explore the unique security aspects unique to both web applications and RESTFul APIs.
You may notice there is not a dedicated section of the course about Testing Spring Security. This is because testing is done throughout the course.
Test Driven Development (TDD) is widely considered a best practice in software engineering.
As we explore the features of Spring Security, we will follow a TDD approach.
We will first write a failing test using JUnit 5, Mockito, and Spring MockMVC, then complete the lesson objective to get a passing test.
You will see some great examples of testing Spring with JUnit 5. However, it is recommended you have prior experience with JUnit 5.

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